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What is Sport and Exercise Science?

Sports and Exercise Science is an applied field that draws on a wide variety of scientific principles, contemporary technologies and interventions to enhance athletic performance, prevent injury, optimise exercise training and rehabilitation and promote healthy lifestyles.

The study of Sports and Exercise Science is focused on understanding human movement and incorporates a variety of subject areas including biomechanics, physiology and motor control, amongst others.

Enhancing knowledge and understanding of human movement

Biomechanists use physics and engineering mechanics to understand how forces influence movement and apply this knowledge to the design of sports equipment such as low-drag swimwear or enhanced prosthetic limbs. They are also actively involved in the development of sophisticated motion analysis software and assist in the development of better sporting techniques and reduction of injury risk.

Exercise physiologists work to understand the effects of extreme environments (e.g. hot/cold conditions) or different types of nutrition on athletic performance. Experts in motor control and skill acquisition work with athletes and non-athletes to assist them to use their sensory-motor system effectively or help them understand why the sensory-motor system may not be functioning effectively.

The applications and outcomes of sports science include advanced sports shoe and equipment technology, computer software used for motion analysis, sports and energy drinks, training and rehabilitation techniques and nutritional and exercise based guidelines for public health.

Careers in sports and exercise science include performance and technique analysts, exercise and environmental physiologists, strength and conditioning trainers, personal trainers, exercise prescription advisors, secondary school physical education or health teachers, community sports educators and sport development officers.

In this project we will:

  1. Explore the biomechanics of different running styles using 3D motion analysis.
  2. Determine the physiological effect of walking and running speed on energy usage by measuring real time oxygen consumption.
  3. Investigate the effect different kicking techniques have force production in swimming.
  4. Study the influence that composing and then sending a text message has on postural control.

Please bring a swim suit, towel and running shoes suitable for exercise.

More information about Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences at Otago

Study Exercise and Sport Science at Otago

Degree details for an Exercise and Sport major

School of Physical Education, Sport & Exercise Sciences, Te Kura Para-Whakawai

Study Physical Education, Activity and Health at Otago

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