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Pain@Otago's goal is to develop the profile of undergraduate, graduate, and new researchers. We host regular events to support members and prioritise funding support for ECRs.

ECR Workshop series 2022/2023

“Pain@Otago Early Career Researcher Workshop Series: Journey to Independence”

Topics include: (Dates TBC)

1st workshop: Mentoring for ECRs: Who? What? When?
2nd workshop: Pathway to Independence
3rd workshop: Collaborators: Reflections of playing on the playground with others

ECR representative

Dr Carrie Falling is the ECR representative on the Pain@Otago steering committee.

If you have any ideas for how the theme can support ECR please contact Carrie.

Pain Theme Awards

Our Pain Theme awards have been run since 2020. The themes specifically focus on recognising excellence in ECRs at an Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and new academic level. The prizes are awarded by a committee made up on the steering committee and the international advisory committee.

Pain@Otago ECR award

2021 recipient Dr Saurab Sharma

Saurab's was awarded the 2021 on the basis of his Exceptional Thesis Award (University of Otago Doctoral Prize), excellent research track record including many publications, the impact of his work in Nepal, winning the prestigious John Bonica Postdoctoral Fellowship from the IASP, and roles on a Lancet Commission and the GBD Study.

The panel agreed that Saurab was establishing an outstanding international reputation and profile in his research field.

Saurab is now employed as a Research Associate at the University of New South Wales and remains a close collaborator with the Pain@Otago theme. For further information on Saurab's research.

2020 recipient Dr Hemakumar Devan

Hemakumar was the inaugural winner of the ECR award. Hemakumar now works as a Lecturer at the Rehabilitation Teaching and Research Unit at the University of Otago. He also works as part of the Pain team at Capital and Coast DHB.

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