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8th New Zealand/Aotearoa Mobilities Symposium - Pavements and paradigms: bringing community back into mobility.

20-21st November 2017

Mobilities research is expanding in the social sciences and has strong theoretical underpinnings. But how do we ensure that new theories developed in this exciting field make a tangible contribution to our communities?

For this symposium we have chosen the 'pavement' or 'footpath' as a symbol of community mobilities. Urban planning and policy is falling behind the expanding range of personal mobility devices (mobility scooters, skateboards, paws, pushchairs and more recently bicycles) that share pathways traditionally designed for feet. This event will provide an informative forum where 'town' and 'gown' can share ideas and explore ways to work together to help solve community mobility challenges.

From 9am, Monday 20th November (with evening public lecture and panel discussion)
To 12pm, Tuesday 21st November

Venue: Room 1.02 School of Physiotherapy

Multiple sclerosis research (Fatigue Management)

September 2017

New Zealand-Germany Science & Technology Programme Funding

Prof Klaus Pfeifer and Dr Alexander Tallner (Institute of Sport Science and Sport, Freidrich-Alexander University) are visiting Otago as part of a travel grant funded by the New Zealand-Germany Science & Technology Programme (Royal Society of New Zealand).

The team are working on exploring linkages between the two institutions for a project based around linking internet based fatigue management with exercise in multiple sclerosis.

They are hosted by Dr Hilda Mulligan (CHARR, School of Physiotherapy) who also received funding as part of this grant and visited Germany in 2015.

MS and Parkinson's Canterbury nominated as a finalist in the Champion Canterbury Business Awards 2017 in the category 'Community impact small'

HRC Feasibility grant awarded

Thursday 6 April 2017

Dr Daniel Ribeiro has been awarded a Health Research Council Feasibility Grant for exploring the feasibility of a trial designed to assess effectiveness of tailored rehabilitation versus a standard exercise programme.

Read more about the project and team here

Sports related concussion in kids: what every parent needs to know

22nd March 2017

This open lecture will inform parents of young people and particularly young sportspersons how to recognise a concussion, what to do about it and how to support their kids. It will provide practical concussion awareness information relevant to the Dunedin sports and health scene and will also be of interest to parents, players, coaches, teachers, doctors and, sports and school administrators, and students in the health sciences, physical education and sports science.

Enhancing park-based physical activity among persons with disabilities across all ages

PARCS study shows that participation (through recreation) improves quality of life, health and well-being and decreases the risk of lifestyle related co-morbidities (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and stroke). Published media report:

How does the neck contribute to post-concussion symptoms?

Concussion injuries are characterised by a broad range of symptoms such as headache, dizziness, neck pain, cognitive and emotional disturbance.A particular challenge is that concussion injuries can injure the brain, vestibular and visual systems, the neck, and more – all of which are capable of contributing to symptoms.To help individuals with persistent post-concussion symptoms effectively, our research team think it is important to understand the underlying sources of symptoms and tailor treatment appropriately.

"Hands-on research progress thanks to physiotherapy fellowship fund"

Read the full article here


Lawrence, R. (2005). Branding terroir in the ′New World′: Modes of representation in the wine industry. In P. Sorrell, C. Ozcan, E. Kocabiyik & Z. T. Ultav (Eds.), Proceedings of the IST Product and Service Design Symposium and Exhibition on Agricultural Industries. Izmir, Turkey: Izmir University of Economics. [Full Paper] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper

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