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Study recruitment completed.

About the project

The nervous system (i.e. nerves, the spinal cord and brain) becomes sensitized to your sore knee joint. The purpose of the study is to assess whether nervous system sensitivity is linked to pain experiences in people with knee osteoarthritis. This study's findings could contribute to the development of specific treatments to address knee osteoarthritis pain and improve quality of life.

Taking part in the study:

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are 45-85 years of age
  • Have a diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis
  • Have experienced knee pain longer than three months
  • Experience knee pain on most days

What does participation involve?

  1. Attend a 90-minute session at the University of Otago School of Physiotherapy to fill out questionnaires, complete physical tests and participate in pain sensitivity testing (i.e. cold, pressure, touch).
  2. Using a provided smartphone (or your own) for two weeks, complete a two-minute survey to report your current symptoms and experiences three times daily.
  3. Return to the School of Physiotherapy for a 30-minute session to complete final questionnaires.

At the end of the project, you will receive a $100 supermarket voucher to recognize the actual or reasonable costs involved with participating in this project.

More information/contact us:

Thank you for taking time to read about our study. For further details please read the participant information sheet.

Register your interest and check your eligibility to participate by clicking the following link:

If you are interested and/or would like to know more about the project, please contact:

Phone: 0800 687 489 (using the keyword, U-KOPE)

Research Team:

Mark Overton: Co-ordinating Investigator, PhD Candidate and Physiotherapist
Dr Ramakrishnan Mani: Principal Investigator
Associate Professor Nicola Swain: Co-investigator
Professor David Gwynne-Jones: Co-investigator


This project has received funding from the Otago Medical Research Foundation Jack Thomson Arthritis Grant and the PNZ Otago Southland Branch.

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC). Ref: 21/CEN/89

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