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What can you do with your ID Card?

Your ID Card is your key to what Otago has to offer. It identifies you as a member of the University of Otago community, provides essential personal identification, and should be presented on request to University staff whose assigned responsibilities authorise them to seek proper identification.

What's on your ID Card?

Information on the front of the card includes your name, photograph, student number, username, email address, barcode, OUSA membership, and identification for Te Rōpū Māori or UOPISA if applicable.

More information about the features of the student card

Money on your ID Card

Please note that the ID Card Office staff do not manage funds on your card. Using your student email account, email with any questions about money, including refunds,  on your card.

Money may be deposited on your card to pay for resources such as printing/copying online.

UniPrint web payment portal

Returning students

If you are returning to the University next year, any money on your card at the end of the year will be transferred to your new ID Card.

What happens to my money if I leave the University?

Using your student email account, email with any questions about money, including refunds, on your card.

Other places to use your ID Card

If you want to:

  • Use any of the Library services
  • Visit a doctor at Student Health
  • Find a flat at the Accommodation Office
  • Enrol in a course at Recreation Services
  • Use the gym at Unipol
  • Sit an exam
  • Send an email
  • Use the Computer Labs on campus
  • Get advice on Careers
  • Graduate
  • Pick up an academic transcript at the University Information Centre
  • Vote in OUSA elections
  • Use rooms after hours
  • Get discounts in some shops/movie theatres in Dunedin

In fact, for just about anything you will need your ID Card.

Looking after your ID Card

Do not share your card

Your ID Card is personal to you and should not be used by any other person. As you can see your ID Card is an important part of who you are at University, so please treat it with care.

Do not damage your card

If you make holes in it, bend it, or attach stickers to it, leave it in the sun or near other heat sources or magnetic fields it will not work. If you punch holes in your card or damage it, you will have to pay $25 (plus GST) for a replacement card.

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