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Thursday 4 February 2021 2:26pm

Sue Crengle Professor 226 image
Professor Sue Crengle (right) with her Māmā (left), in the Virunga National Park, Rwanda.

We are excited to announce our dear colleague officially becoming a Professor in Māori Health. Sue Crengle (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha) is a GP and Public Health Physician. Her research focuses on Māori health equity and inequities in health status and health outcomes.

Sue has a particular interest in health services research (especially primary care), youth health and mental health. She uses Kaupapa Māori quantitative and qualitative methods and has had an increasing focus on trialling interventions to assess their impact on Hauora Māori outcomes.

One of Sue's loves is travel, especially in Africa. Here she is pictured with her lovely Māmā having just finished a trek in the Virunga National Park in Rwanda, where they found and spent time with a group of very beautiful mountain gorillas.

Congratulations again on this fantastic achievement, we know you have worked hard over many years to reach this point.

Kei te poho kererū mātou ki a koe e hoa!

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