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Monday 3 August 2020 1:54pm

Kia ora koutou,

We hope you and your whānau have been safe and well during the challenges of COVID-19.
We are back on deck here at Te Roopū Rakahau Hauora Māori o Kāi Tahu, and it is lovely to see all our tauira back in class. We hope you are looking forward to semester two studies and catching up with your mates.

Remember if you are struggling at all or need advice, then please come and see or email Fran for student support (Room 124, First Floor, Adamas Building – 18 Frederick Street).
The Pūtea Tautoko fund is now open for any of you who are facing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. You can apply through eVision via the 'my finances' section.

In other COVID-19 news, our country's top Māori doctors and specialists banded together under the banner Te Rōpu Whakakaupapa Urutā for the COVID-19 response for Māori.
The idea Urutā of was brought together by Professor Paparangi Reid, a public health physician, Dr Rawiri Jansen, a GP, and our very own Associate Professor Sue Crengle, both a GP and a public health doctor.

Urutā is made up of some of the nation's leading Māori medical and health experts including Primary Care Specialists, Public Health experts, Public Health Physicians, Māori Nurses and iwi leaders. All of whom helped to provide COVID-19 advice, information and resources for whānau Māori. Covid-19 advice for Māori can be found through their website, on social media platforms, or read a news article about it here

Hurihia to aroaro ki te ra tukuna to ataranagi kia taka ki muri i a koe (turn your face towards the sun, and the shadows fall behind you)

Nā manaakitanga,

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