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Students in the Commerce building

A full-time course is generally between 54 and 72 points in any one semester or 108 and 144 points in any one year. Each paper has a points value where one point generally represents 10 hours of work for an average student wishing to achieve an average grade.

As a guide, based on an 18-point paper, this usually works out to a minimum of 14 hours work per paper per week. Work is made up of formal contact time (lectures, tutorials, laboratories, etc) and independent study (studying, revision, assignments, reading, etc).

Most students take 108 to 126 points per year. Very able students may take up to 144 points annually with the load spread as evenly as possible between both semesters.

Part-time study is considered as taking fewer than 54 points in any one semester or 108 points in any one year. Part-time students are not normally eligible to receive student allowances, and obviously take longer to complete degrees.

If you have a disability that restricts your working capacity, you should contact Disability Information and Support for advice and assistance.

Guide to enrolment

Helping you through the enrolment process

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