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ValueVaries (determined by the success, or otherwise, of a recipient securing other University of Otago Entrance Scholarships)
Number offeredVaries
Acceptance Closing dateAs soon as possible after your school's prize giving


The University of Otago is providing the opportunity for at least one student from every secondary school in New Zealand to study at the University of Otago. Dux Scholarships will be awarded to any student who is named Dux (the top scholar) of their school.

General eligibility criteria

Awardees of the Dux scholarship should normally meet the requirements of 1.1 OR 1.2, AND 2. Those who fit within 3 are ineligible.

1.1 Are New Zealand citizens, New Zealand Residence Class Visa Holders,  Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents with domestic fee  status;


1.2 International students who have completed Year 12 and/or have completed or are in the  process of completing Year 13 at a New Zealand school, or an equivalent  foundation level course at a New Zealand tertiary institution.


2 Are intending to enrol or have enrolled for the first time for first-year (100-level papers),  full-time degree-level, undergraduate study at the University of Otago.


3 Those who have studied more than 0.4 EFTs at any University or tertiary institution at degree-level or higher are not normally* eligible.

Specific eligibility criteria for this Scholarship

In addition to the above eligibility criteria, awardees must:

  • Have been named as Dux of a New Zealand secondary school in the year immediately preceding enrolment at the University of Otago.

Application process

No application is necessary since the status of Dux automatically qualifies the student for a University of Otago Dux Scholarship.  Information packs are sent to all New Zealand secondary schools every October, these packs include paperwork that must be returned to the Entrance Scholarships Office by the date provided.

In circumstances where the school has co-Duxes, the University of Otago will offer up to two scholarships.

Scholarship regulations

The Scholarship Terms and Conditions can be found here. In addition, the following applies to these Scholarships:

  • This scholarship may be held concurrently with another University of Otago Entrance Scholarship where the regulations specifically permit concurrent tenure, or the Offer Letter specifically permits concurrent tenure. Any variation of concurrent tenure will be at the discretion and with the written permission of the University of Otago.
  • The extent to which any or all of the full value of this scholarship is payable will be determined by the success or otherwise in a recipient securing other University of Otago Entrance Scholarships (including the Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship).
  • When a Dux recipient has received a University of Otago Entrance Scholarship, the following applies:    
    • Awarded at Full Value ($6,000) when a Dux has secured no other University of Otago Entrance Scholarships.
    • Awarded at Two-Thirds Value ($4,000) when a Dux has secured another University of Otago Entrance Scholarship with a total value of $3,000 or less.
    • Awarded at Half-Value ($3,000) when a Dux has secured another University of Otago Entrance Scholarship with a total value greater than $3,000 and less than $10,000.
    • Awarded at One-Third Value ($2,000) when a Dux has secured another University of Otago Entrance Scholarship with a total value of $10,000 to less than $20,000.
    • Awarded Without Payment when a Dux has secured another University of Otago Entrance Scholarship with a total value of $20,000 or more.
    • For those accepting a place in a Residential College as listed at the link below, it will be paid as an accommodation fee waiver for the amount specified in your scholarship offer letter, paid directly to your Residential College (the scholarship is not able to be used for payment or part-payment of Residential College placement, deposit, activity or equivalent fees due prior to studying)
      University of Otago Residential Colleges
    • For those living in the local community (boarding, flatting or living at home), it will normally comprise of a payment, firstly towards tuition and student services fees, if applicable, then as a monthly stipend or lump sum, or you may be able to have the value of your scholarship credited against your tuition fees for your second year of study.

*Exceptions to 0.4 EFTS or less are considered when all previous University or tertiary level study has been undertaken whilst concurrently enrolled at secondary school.

Further information

You are likely to find the Frequently Asked Questions helpful and we recommend that you read them.

To find out more about Entrance Scholarships, please contact us:

Tel 0800 80 80 98 (callers within New Zealand only); or
64 3 479 7000 (callers outside New Zealand)
Find us on Facebook

If you have a University of Otago student identification number, please include this in your email.

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