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Outputs from Indigenous People and Cancer Symposium 2018 are available.

Cancer policy, priority setting and resource distribution depend on good population-based cancer data. This is true for all populations, but is perhaps particularly relevant for underserved and vulnerable populations. It is estimated that there are 370 million Indigenous people in 90 countries globally. Although there is no globally agreed definition for Indigenous peoples, there are some common threads that connect them. Indigenous peoples generally face substantial disadvantage compared with non-Indigenous people, their health status is usually poorer, and health-related data relating to them remains scarce, inaccurate and/or absent. Cancer is one of the world's most pressing problems, with substantial and increasing burden carried by low and middle-income countries. For Indigenous people, where data are available, cancer is a leading cause of death. This work aims to improve the surveillance of cancer among Indigenous populations globally. We are working in partnership with Menzies School of Health Research in Queensland Australia, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and others.

Ka noho ngā raraunga ā-taupori mō te mate pukupuku hei kaupapa mō ngā kaupapahere, mō te tautohu whakaarotau, mō ngā mahi tohatoha rauemi hoki. Kei te hāngai tēnei āhuatanga ki ngā taupori katoa, ā, kei te tino hāngai ki ērā taupori e noho whakaraerae ana, kāore hoki e whiwhi i ngā ratonga hauora tika. E whakapaetia ana, tērā tōna 370 miriona tāngata nō ngā iwi taketake i ngā whenua 90 puta noa i te ao. Ahakoa te korenga o tētahi whakamāoritanga mō te 'iwi taketake' e whakaaetia whānuitia ana, tērā anō ngā hononga kei te whakahono i a rātau. Kei te nui ake ngā taimahatanga a ngā iwi taketake, arā i ā tauiwi, kei te kino atu ngā tatauranga hauora, ā, kei te mokorea ngā raraunga hauora, kei te hē rānei, kei te kore rānei. Ko te mate pukupuku tētahi o ngā tino mate i te ao, ā, kei te nui, kei te nui haere te taimahatanaga e pīkauria ana e ngā whenua iti te whiwhinga, whiwhinga waenganui hoki. Mō ngā iwi taketake, mehemea e watea ana he raraunga hauora, ko te mate pukupuku tētahi o ngā tino take e mate ana te tangata. Ko te whāinga o tēnei mahi, ko te whakapai haere i te tirohanga ki te mate pukupuku ki waenga i ngā iwi taketake puta noa i te ao. Kei te mahi tahi mātau ki te Kura Rangahau Hauora o Menzies ki Queensland i Ahitereiria, te Pokapū ā-Ao mō te Rangahau Mate Pukupuku me ētahi atu.

Partner projects

Discovering Indigenous Strategies to Improve Cancer Outcomes Via Engagement, Research Translation and Training (DISCOVER-TT)

Lancet Commission on Inequity in Women's Cancers

Key publications

Sarfati D, Robson B, Garvey G, Goza T, Foliaki S, Millar E, Scott N. Improving the health of Indigenous people globally. (letter and response from Director General of the World health Organization) Lancet Oncology 2018; 19(6): e276 and e277.

Sarfati D, Garvey G, Robson B, Moore S, Cunningham R, Withrow D, Griffiths K, Caron N, Bray F. Measuring cancer in Indigenous populations. Annals of Epidemiology 2018; 28: 335-42.

Diaz A, Baade PD, Valery PC, Whop LJ, Moore SP, Cunningham J, Garvey G. Brotherton JML, O'Connell DL, Canfell K, Sarfati D, Roder D, Buckley E, Condon JR. Comorbidity and cervical cancer survival of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian women: A semi-national registry-based cohort study. Plos One 2018, 13(5): e0196764.

Ginsburg O, Badwe R, Boyle P … Sarfati D, Temmerman M, Trimble T, Padela AI, Aggarwal A, Sullivan R. Changing the global policy paradigm to deliver safe, equitable and affordable care for women's cancers. Lancet 2017; 389: 871-80.

Sarfati D, Robson B. Equitable cancer control requires better data on indigenous peoples (invited commentary). Lancet Oncology 2015; 16:1442-4.

Sarfati D, Shaw C, Simmonds S. Commentary: Inequalities in cancer screening programmes. Int J Epidemiol 2010; 39: 766-8.

Vaccarella S, Lortet-Tieulent J, Saracci R, Fidler RM, Conway DI, Vilahur N, Sarfati D, Jemal A, Mackenbach JP, Marmot M, Straif K, Wild C. Reducing Social Inequalities in Cancer: setting priorities for research. Ca Journal for Clinicians 2018: 68(5): 324-6.

Book chapters

Sarfati D (2019)'Why social inequalities matter in the cancer continuum'. In Wild CP, Vaccarella S (eds) Reducing social inequalities in cancer: Evidence and priorities for research. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon

Denny L, Jemal A, Schubauer-Berigan M, Islami F, Vilahur N, Fidler M, Sarfati D, Soerjomaratam I, De Martel C, Vaccarella S (2019) 'Evidence of social inequalities in risk factors for cancer.' In Wild CP, Vaccarella S (eds) Reducing social inequalities in cancer: Evidence and priorities for research. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon

Sarfati D, Robson B, Garvey G (in press). 'Cancer in Indigenous Populations'. In Jemal A and Bray F (eds) World Cancer Atlas. American Cancer Society and International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Sarfati D, Robson B, Garvey G (in press) 'Cancer in Indigenous Populations' In Wild CP, Stewart BW (eds) World Cancer Report. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon.

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