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Chang Yu image.

PhD(Victoria University of Wellington)

Research Fellow: University of Otago, Wellington

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Research interests and activities

Chang Yu holds a PhD in finance and economics. He gained experience in public health while working as a data analyst at ESR , one of the Crown Research Institutes in New Zealand.

Currently, his research interests include homelessness, housing inequality, and housing scarcity. For example, he has several working papers on emergency housing and public housing in New Zealand. He uses the Integrated Data Infrastructure ( IDI ) to investigate the relationship between homelessness and the usage of government services.

As a health economist, Chang Yu focuses on the linkage between economics and public health.


Yu, C. (2024). Short selling and firm investment efficiency. Financial Markets & Portfolio Management, 38, 191-237. doi: 10.1007/s11408-023-00442-1 Journal - Research Article

Yu, C. (2023). Board gender diversity and investment inefficiency. Journal of Economics & Business, 124, 106107. doi: 10.1016/j.jeconbus.2022.106107 Journal - Research Article

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