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Module one: Has IGRT influenced patient outcomes?

For this module please select the below PDF and read the attached article. Once you have finished reading, please select the second link to complete the article evaluation exercise.

  1. IGRT: Has it influenced patient outcomes

    The attached PDF document is provided under the Scholarly Sharing terms of the electronic journal license. You may make or retain only one copy of this electronic document for your scholarly or research use. No further distribution is permitted by transmission or any other means.

  2. Evaluation form - You will be taken to the Google Docs site to complete this form.

Module two: Adaptive radiotherapy for advanced lung cancer ensures target coverage and decreases lung dose.

For this module please select the below PDF and read the attached article. Once you have finished reading, please select the second link to complete the article evaluation exercise.

  1. Adaptive radiotherapy for advanced lung cancer ensures target coverage and decreases lung dose

    The attached PDF document is provided under the Scholarly Sharing terms of the electronic journal license. You may make or retain only one copy of this electronic document for your scholarly or research use. No further distribution is permitted by transmission or any other means.

  2. Evaluation form – You will be taken to the Google Docs site to complete this form
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