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Research Interests

  1. Disturbance ecology in running water ecosystems (since 1992)
  2. Experimental design and statistical data analysis (since 1993)
  3. Effects of human land use activities on running water ecosystems, especially impacts agriculture and multiple stressors (since 2002), also water abstraction and other flow regime changes (environmental flow ecology; since 1990)
  4. River restoration (since 2000)
  5. Estuary ecology (since 2005; PhD Antje Bierschenk)
  6. Pond ecology and life history strategies of aquatic insects (since 2012; PhD Tanya Dann)
  7. Ecology of shallow lakeshores (since 2008)

Potential Postgraduate Projects

  • Projects are possible in all my research areas. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail or phone for more information.

Current Post-Docs, Postgraduate Students and Short Project Titles

  • Dr Andreas Bruder (MPI-funded Post-Doc): DCD – a new agricultural stressor for aquatic ecosystems?
  • Romana Salis (PhD) DCD - a new agricultural stressor?
  • Katharina Lange (PhD) Modelling multiple-stressor effects on farmland streams
  • Javad Ramezani (PhD) Effects of intensive catchment land use on fish communities and their invertebrate prey
  • Antje Bierschenk (PhD) Impacts of human land use practices on riverine, estuarine and marine ecosystems
  • Tanya Dann (PhD) Life history strategies of New Zealand damselflies
  • Jon McCallum (MSc) The ecology of the invasive alga didymo
  • Yulia Kiseleva (BSc Hons) DCD effects on ecosystem processes

Other Links

Please see my Google Scholar Profile for a complete list (updated weekly) of my publications:

Stream Team research projects (Picasa webalbum)


Aquatic ecology, disturbance, multiple stressors, restoration, human land uses, experimental design


Effenberger, M., Diehl, S., Gerth, M., & Matthaei, C. D. (2011). Patchy bed disturbance and fish predation independently influence the distribution of stream invertebrates and algae. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(3), 603-614. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2011.01807.x Journal - Research Article

Magbanua, F. S., Townsend, C. R., Blackwell, G. L., Phillips, N., & Matthaei, C. D. (2010). Responses of stream macroinvertebrates and ecosystem function to conventional, integrated and organic farming. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(5), 1014-1025. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01859.x Journal - Research Article

Matthaei, C. D., Piggott, J. J., & Townsend, C. R. (2010). Multiple stressors in agricultural streams: Interactions among sediment addition, nutrient enrichment and water abstraction. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(3), 639-649. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01809.x Journal - Research Article

Lless, A., Lange, K., Schulz, F., Piggott, J. J., Matthaei, C. D., & Townsend, C. R. (2009). Light, nutrients and grazing interact to determine diatom species richness via changes to productivity, nutrient state and grazer activity. Journal of Ecology, 97(2), 326-336. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01463.x Journal - Research Article

Lange, K., Liess, A., Piggott, J. J., Townsend, C. R., & Matthaei, C. D. (2011). Light, nutrients and grazing interact to determine stream diatom community composition and functional group structure. Freshwater Biology, 56(2), 264-278. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02492.x Journal - Research Article

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