Tel +64 3 479 7975
Research Interests
- Disturbance ecology in running water ecosystems (since 1992)
- Experimental design and statistical data analysis (since 1993)
- Effects of human land use activities on running water ecosystems, especially impacts agriculture and multiple stressors (since 2002), also water abstraction and other flow regime changes (environmental flow ecology; since 1990)
- River restoration (since 2000)
- Estuary ecology (since 2005; PhD Antje Bierschenk)
- Pond ecology and life history strategies of aquatic insects (since 2012; PhD Tanya Dann)
- Ecology of shallow lakeshores (since 2008)
Potential Postgraduate Projects
- Projects are possible in all my research areas. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail or phone for more information.
Current Post-Docs, Postgraduate Students and Short Project Titles
- Dr Andreas Bruder (MPI-funded Post-Doc): DCD – a new agricultural stressor for aquatic ecosystems?
- Romana Salis (PhD) DCD - a new agricultural stressor?
- Katharina Lange (PhD) Modelling multiple-stressor effects on farmland streams
- Javad Ramezani (PhD) Effects of intensive catchment land use on fish communities and their invertebrate prey
- Antje Bierschenk (PhD) Impacts of human land use practices on riverine, estuarine and marine ecosystems
- Tanya Dann (PhD) Life history strategies of New Zealand damselflies
- Jon McCallum (MSc) The ecology of the invasive alga didymo
- Yulia Kiseleva (BSc Hons) DCD effects on ecosystem processes
Other Links
Please see my Google Scholar Profile for a complete list (updated weekly) of my publications:
Stream Team research projects (Picasa webalbum)
Aquatic ecology, disturbance, multiple stressors, restoration, human land uses, experimental design
Effenberger, M., Diehl, S., Gerth, M., & Matthaei, C. D. (2011). Patchy bed disturbance and fish predation independently influence the distribution of stream invertebrates and algae. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(3), 603-614. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2011.01807.x Journal - Research Article
Magbanua, F. S., Townsend, C. R., Blackwell, G. L., Phillips, N., & Matthaei, C. D. (2010). Responses of stream macroinvertebrates and ecosystem function to conventional, integrated and organic farming. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(5), 1014-1025. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01859.x Journal - Research Article
Matthaei, C. D., Piggott, J. J., & Townsend, C. R. (2010). Multiple stressors in agricultural streams: Interactions among sediment addition, nutrient enrichment and water abstraction. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(3), 639-649. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01809.x Journal - Research Article
Lless, A., Lange, K., Schulz, F., Piggott, J. J., Matthaei, C. D., & Townsend, C. R. (2009). Light, nutrients and grazing interact to determine diatom species richness via changes to productivity, nutrient state and grazer activity. Journal of Ecology, 97(2), 326-336. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01463.x Journal - Research Article
Lange, K., Liess, A., Piggott, J. J., Townsend, C. R., & Matthaei, C. D. (2011). Light, nutrients and grazing interact to determine stream diatom community composition and functional group structure. Freshwater Biology, 56(2), 264-278. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02492.x Journal - Research Article