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2024 update

The Otago Internship Programme is not running in 2024.

During the second year of your BCom, and before you start your internship, you must complete the Otago Internship's Employability Programme - a practical work-related training programme helping them to become work ready. Students must first complete an application form for the Internship Programme. This is available from the Otago Business School during April.

You'll be asked to attend an interview with the Internship Manager and Academic Leader of the Internship Programme in May. All successful applicants then proceed to the Employability Programme.

“The internship employability programme provided me with the opportunity to improve my CV and interview skills, with the mock interview offering me valuable feedback. We also heard from industry professionals who enlightened us about various things such as networking skills and what interviewers are looking for in potential job candidates.”Rebecca Ealam

Employability Programme details

“I really enjoyed the experience as a whole, it enabled me to further develop my interpersonal skills and each session presented a lot of new information that I otherwise would probably have been oblivious to.”
Ly Xian Teh

The Employability Programme is run in the second semester and consists of a number of sessions covering various practical and business-related topics, such as:

  • An introduction and CV seminar
  • Networking
  • Effective communication in the business environment
  • Business meeting scenarios
  • Returned interns talking about their experiences through the Internship Programme
  • Personal presentation at an interview and in the workplace. This also involves final CVs, cover letters, interview skills and psychometric testing
  • Mock interviews
  • Talks by business professionals about business expectations and what students as interns should expect to experience in the business community. Talks by employers who have engaged with the Internship Programme, discussing their expectations and the reality of what is involved
  • A young professionals and business forum.

Attendance and active participation is required for all sessions.

“The training programme was an amazing opportunity that should not be missed.”
Ebony Page Kitching

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