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    Contending international theories, actors in the international system, security dimensions and key issues in global politics.

    This course seeks to highlight the forces of change and continuity in modern international politics. It is designed to extend a student's grasp of the subject, both in systemic terms at the international level and in terms of the units that make up the system.

    About this paper

    Paper title International Politics
    Subject International Studies
    EFTS 0.25
    Points 30 points
    Teaching period Semester 1 (On campus)
    Domestic Tuition Fees ( NZD ) $2,223.25
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    Limited to
    Teaching staff
    Professor Robert Patman
    Paper Structure

    INTS 502 encompasses the context of international politics, actors and institutions, strategic dimensions, and current international issues.


    There is no single textbook that encompasses the entire scope of this course. However, a number of books cover substantial parts of the material. This includes Shannon L. Blanton and Charles W. Kegley, World Politics: Trend and Transformation (2021-17th Edition) and Andrew Heywood’s Global Politics.

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Global perspective, Interdisciplinary perspective, Lifelong learning, Scholarship, Communication, Critical thinking, Cultural understanding, Ethics, Environmental literacy, Information literacy, Research, Self-motivation, Teamwork.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    Students who take this paper will acquire a critical understanding of the major theories of international relations, the actors on the international stage, strategic dimensions of the subject, and some of the major issues in world politics since the end of the Cold War.


    Semester 1

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system


    Stream Days Times Weeks
    A1 Monday 15:00-16:50 9-13, 15-22
    Wednesday 09:00-10:50 9-13, 15-22


    Contending international theories, actors in the international system, security dimensions and key issues in global politics.

    This course seeks to highlight the forces of change and continuity in modern international politics. It is designed to extend a student's grasp of the subject, both in systemic terms at the international level and in terms of the units that make up the system.

    About this paper

    Paper title International Politics
    Subject International Studies
    EFTS 0.25
    Points 30 points
    Teaching period Semester 1 (On campus)
    Domestic Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for 2025 have not yet been set
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    Limited to
    Teaching staff
    Professor Robert Patman
    Paper Structure

    INTS 502 encompasses the context of international politics, actors and institutions, strategic dimensions, and current international issues.


    There is no single textbook that encompasses the entire scope of this course. However, a number of books cover substantial parts of the material. This includes Shannon L. Blanton and Charles W. Kegley, World Politics: Trend and Transformation (2021-17th Edition) and Andrew Heywood’s Global Politics.

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Global perspective, Interdisciplinary perspective, Lifelong learning, Scholarship, Communication, Critical thinking, Cultural understanding, Ethics, Environmental literacy, Information literacy, Research, Self-motivation, Teamwork.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    Students who take this paper will acquire a critical understanding of the major theories of international relations, the actors on the international stage, strategic dimensions of the subject, and some of the major issues in world politics since the end of the Cold War.


    Semester 1

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system
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