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+64 3 479 7165
Research Professor
Department of Pathology (Dunedin)
MSc(Auck) PhD(ANU)
Research summary
Molecular mechanisms of cancer; tumour suppressors; p53


  • Apoptosis
  • Cancer biology
  • DNA tumour viruses
  • Tumour suppressors
  • Viral oncoproteins


Ray Das, S., Delahunt, B., Lasham, A., Li, K., Wright, D., Print, C., Slatter, T., Braithwaite, A., & Mehta, S. (2024). Combining TP53 mutation and isoform has the potential to improve clinical practice. Pathology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.pathol.2024.02.003 Journal - Research Other

Wiles, A. K., Mehta, S., Millier, M., Woolley, A. G., Li, K., Parker, K., Kazantseva, M., Wilson, M., Young, K., Bowie, S., Ray, S., Slatter, T. L., Stamp, L. K., Hessian, P. A., & Braithwaite, A. W. (2023). Activated CD90/Thy-1 fibroblasts co-express the Δ133p53β isoform and are associated with highly inflamed rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 25, 62. doi: 10.1186/s13075-023-03040-8 Journal - Research Article

Boix De Jesus, A. N., Taha, A., Wang, D., Mehta, P. M., Mehta, S., Reily-Bell, A., Polwatta Lekamlage, S., Machado Saraiva, A., Tahmeedzaman, T., … Royds, J., Braithwaite, A., Hung, N., & Slatter, T. L. (2023). Increased expression of the Δ133p53ß isoform enhances brain metastasis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, 1267. doi: 10.3390/ijms24021267 Journal - Research Article

Reinhardt, L. S., Zhang, X., Groen, K., Morten, B. C., De Iuliis, G. N., Braithwaite, A. W., … Avery-Kiejda, K. A. (2022). Alterations in the p53 isoform ratio govern breast cancer cell fate in response to DNA damage. Cell Death & Disease, 13, 907. doi: 10.1038/s41419-022-05349-9 Journal - Research Article

Polwatta, S. N., Boix De Jesús, A. N., Wang, D., Taha, A., Kazantseva, M., Zhou, J., Mehta, S., Saraiva, A. M., … Royds, J., … Braithwaite, A. W., Hung, N. A., & Slatter, T. L. (2022, August). The Δ 133p53 isoform enhances cell-surface trafficking to promote metastasis. Verbal presentation at the Cancer Satellite Meeting: Queenstown Research Week, Queenstown, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

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