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Meet the Researcher

Photo of Mercy Ah Siu-MalikoDr Mercy Ah Siu-Maliko is a Lecturer at Piula Theological College and a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Theology and Public Issues. She is currently lead researcher for the Fola le ta'ui a le Atua: Rolling Out the Mat of Scripture project on church responses to violence against women in Samoa.

Mercy was born and raised in Samoa before moving to Auckland in the 1980s. She has degrees in Arts (BA Auckland, 1993) and Theology (BTh Auckland, 1995; MTh Pacific Theological College, 1998; PhD Otago, 2015). She has lectured in Theology at Piula College (1999–2002), Sociology at National University of Samoa (2002–2004), and Women's Studies at the Pacific Theological College (part-time, 2005-2006).

She previously co-ordinated the WEAVERS project, The Church and Violence Against Women, for the Women in Theological Education for the South Pacific Association of Theological Schools (2005–2006), and worked at the Centre for Samoa Studies at NUS (2008), and as a librarian and administrator at Piula Theological College (2008–2011).

In 2016 she was a Harold Turner Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Otago, and wrote Christian Faith and Family Violence: A Report for Samoan Communities in New Zealand (2016).


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