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Depositing Money into Our Bank Account

For People Overseas

ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited
Bank branch
ANZ Auckland
Bank address
203 Queen Street, PO Box 62,
Auckland, 1010
New Zealand

Account number:  01-1839-0944124-00
Account name:
University of Otago
Swift Code:

For Payment of Student Fees

Please use the same details above, except use the Student fee account number which is: 01-1839-0944124-01. Please remember to include your name and ID number as the reference.

For Payment of Accommodation

Please use the bank account number: 01-1839-0944124-00. Please remember to use the three narration boxes to enter your Name/Student ID/College name.
E.g. B Smith, 1234567, Arana

For Payment of Vodafone Personal Charges

Please use the bank account number: 01-1839-0944124-00. Across the three reference narration boxes to enter your Name, Cost/Activity Centre Code and "Vodafone"
E.g. B Smith, WXC09, Vodafone

For Repayment of Jury Service Fees

Please use the bank account number: 01-1839-0944124-00. Across the  three reference narration boxes to enter your Name, Cost/Activity Centre Code and "Jury Service"
E.g. B Smith, WXC09, Jury Service

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