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Geosciences '09, the joint annual meeting of the Geological Society of NZ and the NZ Geophysical Society, concluded last Friday (27th Nov) afternoon after a very successful week in Oamaru. The 300+ conference delegates included a large contingent of postgraduate students and faculty from the Department of Geology at the University of Otago, and research scientists from GNS Science's Dunedin office; the convening institutions. There were also many delegates from other parts of New Zealand and Australia, and a smaller number of participants who had travelled from as far afield as Japan, the USA, and the UK. Many of the latter had joined us to participate in a special symposium honouring the scientific contributions of Emeritus Professor Richard Sibson, who has recently retired from teaching at the University of Otago. However there were a few additional attendees inspired to visit New Zealand by our strength in their research areas, such as paleoclimate research using the Antarctic ice record.

The refurbished Oamaru Opera House proved an excellent venue for the meeting. The theatres are as appropriate for scientific presentations as they are for plays. Many delegates also attended field trips throughout the local region. These highlighted the diverse geological setting of the north Otago region, and were a resounding success.

A social program ran in parallel with the scientific sessions. This included wine and whiskey tastings at the NZ Malt Whiskey Co., a dinner for participants of the symposium honouring Rick Sibson, a BBQ at Burnside Historic Homestead, and a conference dinner in the Barrel Room at the NZ Malt Whiskey Co., with the theme of 'Colonial Capers'. All these events ran smoothly and were greatly enjoyed by the participants.

Overall, the delegates were complimentary of an excellent meeting that facilitated exchange of scientific ideas while successfully showcasing Oamaru and its surroundings.

The following awards were made for student presentations at the conference:

Student Talks:

First: Felix Marx, Otago
Second equal: Christian Ohneiser, Otago and Ian Schipper, Otago

Student Posters:

First equal: Yannik Behr, Victoria and Faye Nelson, Otago
Third: Kirsty Tinto / Bob Dagg, Otago

Awards Ceremony

Yannik Behr and Faye Nelson receive awards for their poster presentations.Photo: Ewan Fordyce

Example Talk

Plenary speaker Rob DeConto of the University of Massachusetts speaks on 'Plio-Pleistocene variations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: implications for future sea level'Photo: Ewan Fordyce

Field Trip2

Participants on mid-Conference field trip “Faults, fractures and fluid flow in basement assemblages” admire faults and veins in the abutment of Benmore Dam Photo: Ewan Fordyce

Conference Dinner

Delegates who attended the conference dinner pulled out all the stops to dress appropriately.Photo: Ewan Fordyce

Conference Dinner 2

Conference dinner, NZ Malt Whiskey Co.Photo: Ewan Fordyce

Sibson Dinner

Participants in the symposium honouring the scientific contributions of Emeritus Professor Rick Sibson gather at the Portside Restaurant, Oamaru.Photo: Ewan Fordyce
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