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64 21 070 1558
Research Associate Professor and Rutherford Discovery Fellow
Department of Pathology (Dunedin)
Research summary
  • PATH 301 Applied Pathology (lecture on epigenetics)
  • PATH 302 Cancer Pathology (lectures on epigenetics)
  • 2018–present: Executive board member, Genetics Otago, New Zealand
  • 2017–present: NZ representative, Australian Epigenetics Alliance (AEpiA)
  • 2017: Executive board member, New Zealand Society of Oncology (NZSO)
  • 2017–present: Member, International Cancer Epigenetics Society
  • 2016–present: Board member, Otago Medical School for Research Sciences (OMSRS)
  • 2016–present: Member, Research Committee, Departmental of Pathology, Otago
  • 2015–present: Melanoma Network of New Zealand (Melnet)
  • 2017–present: Associate investigator, Maurice Wilkins Centre CoRE, New Zealand
  • 2015–present: Member, Australia and New Zealand Melanoma Trials Group (ANZMTG)
  • 2013–present: Member, Post-doctoral Association, University of Otago.
  • 2012–present: Staff representative, Otago University Post-graduate Society (OUPS).
  • 2010–2013: PhD student representative, Graduate Research Services and Liaison Committee, University of Otago
  • 2009–2015: Member, National Centre for Growth and Development (Gravida),CoRE


I am the head of the Epigenetics, Disease and Phenotype laboratory. We use bioinformatics and experimental approaches to study epigenetic changes in different cellular contexts to achieve a better understanding of the mechanism of disease in cancer. We aim to use these discoveries to develop biomarkers for specific disease states.

We have four themes in our laboratory

  • Researching the origin and consequences of epigenetic alterations in cancer metastasis
  • Developing analytical tools for epigenomic analysis
  • Cellular and tissue specific epigenetics
  • Environmental epigenetics

See the Chatterjee lab web page for more detail

Media highlights, social involvement, and columns on professional matters

Additional details

These are the current research projects available ranging from Honours/Masters to PhD. We warmly encourage prospective postgraduate students to directly contact to discuss the projects and/or your career goals.

  1. Project Title: Investigation of genetic and epigenetic signatures of primary and metastatic melanoma
    Level: Honours/Masters
  2. Project Title: Analysis of cancer genome atlas data to identify epigenetic signature of tumour metastasis
    Level: Masters
  3. Project Title: Single cell epigeneomics to investigate circulating tumour cells
    Level: Honours/Master's/PhD


Chatterjee, A. (2024, April). DNA methylome profiling to understand disease and phenotype. Department of Microbiology & Immunology Seminar, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar]. Other Research Output

Gupta, P., O'Neill, H., Wolvetang, E. J., Chatterjee, A., & Gupta, I. (2024). Advances in single-cell long-read sequencing technologies. NAR Genomics & Bioinformatics, 6, lqae047. doi: 10.1093/nargab/lqae047 Journal - Research Article

Ezegbogu, M., Wilkinson, E., Reid, G., Rodger, E. J., Brockway, B., Russell-Camp, T., Kumar, R., & Chatterjee, A. (2024). Cell-free DNA methylation in the clinical management of lung cancer. Trends in Molecular Medicine. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.molmed.2024.03.007 Journal - Research Other

Banerjee, R., Ajithkumar, P., Keestra, N., Smith, J., Gimenez, G., Rodger, E. J., Eccles, M. R., Antony, J., Weeks, R. J., & Chatterjee, A. (2024). Targeted DNA methylation editing using an all-in-one system establishes paradoxical activation of EBF3. Cancers, 16, 898. doi: 10.3390/cancers16050898 Journal - Research Article

Srinath, S., Jishnu, P. V., Varghese, V. K., Shukla, V., Adiga, D., Mallya, S., … Chatterjee, A., & Kabekkodu, S. P. (2024). Regulation and tumor-suppressive function of the miR-379/miR-656 (C14MC) cluster in cervical cancer. Molecular Oncology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.13611 Journal - Research Article

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