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Samantha Feeney

Staff Sam FeeneyDirector MHWDU
Professional Practice Fellow
Kairuruku Ritenga Utua

Ko whangatauatea tōku maunga
Ko Karerekura tōku moana
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua tōku waka
Ko Te Rarawa tōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Moroki tōku hapū
Samantha Feeney tōku ingoa

Sam is a descendant from Te Tai Tokerau and has a background in Education, Teaching and Learning, and Sport and Exercise Science. Sam is very passionate about education, youth empowerment and Māori development. Sam enjoys working as part of an amazing team dedicated towards supporting Māori student success and Māori health workforce development.

Sam is the director and manager of the MHWDU team and supports the wider team across MHWDU programmes. Sam is committed to generating more equitable outcomes for Māori and students from lower socioeconomic communities in tertiary health science study and transforming the health workforce in Aotearoa.

Tel +64 27 249 8551

Ana Rangi

Staff Ana RangiProfessional Practice Fellow
Kairuruku Ritenga Utua

Ana (Ngāti Porou, Whakatōhea, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Koata) manages the Socioeconomic Equity Project (EQ) within Health Sciences.

She spent 10 years as Divisional Kaiārahi Māori in Humanities and her professional background is in Māori development, youth transition and international student teaching and support.

Ana joined the Kōhatu team in 2019 and loves working with diverse students to support their aspirations towards health careers and making positive change in their communities.


Dr Griffin Leonard

Staff Griffin.2Professional Practice Fellow
Kairuruku Ritenga Utua

Griffin (Te Arawa, Ngatī Rangitāne) grew up in Dunedin and completed his PhD in peace and conflict studies at the University of Otago. Following his studies, he worked as a researcher, largely at Otago Polytechnic. His work with the Polytechnic focused on student development, alumni workplace transition, as well as student and staff wellbeing. He has also worked in administrative roles within the University.

Griffin is excited to contribute to MHWDU's kaupapa and to assist tauira Māori in fulfilling their aspirations. His mahi is primarily focused on the Tū Tauira Hauora programme, while also contributing to MHWDU's other programmes.


Sophie Graham

Sophie Graham imageKaiārahi, Health Sciences Māori Student Coordinator

Sophie is of Ngāi Te Rangi descent and grew up in Ōtepoti. She completed a BA majoring in Psychology at the University of Otago and has worked as a research assistant in the Department of Psychology and Department of Psychological Medicine. She has several years of experience in mental health and community support mahi and was a student advocate at OUSA Student Support in 2018-2019.

Sophie is driven by a desire to see more holistic healthcare systems that better represent Māori. She is excited to be working towards this in her role as Kaiārahi supporting tauira Māori in Te Whakapuāwai, a programme of support for Māori students in HSFY.


Porourangi Templeton-Reedy

Porourangi Templeton-Reedy imageKaiārahi, Health Sciences Māori Student Coordinator

Ko Hikurangi me Taupiri ōku maunga
Ko Waiapu me Waikato ōku awa
Ko Horouta me Tainui ōku waka
Ko Ngāti Porou rātou ko Ngāi Tūhoe me Waikato ōku iwi
Nō Murihiku me Ōtepoti ōku kainga tūturu

Ko Porourangi Templeton-Reedy tōku ingoa

Pou hails from the beautiful metropolis known as the East Coast, but was born and raised in the deep South. He has a background in Indigenous Development and Communication studies having completed his Master of Indigenous Studies in 2020. Prior to this role, Pou worked as a Kaitawaka Māori, Māori Future Student adviser at Victoria University of Wellington, demystifying university to whānau Māori in the community. Pou works in the Raukaha team, supporting tauira Māori who are studying in health professional programmes and health sciences degree. Outside of the tari, Pou is currently doing his Ph.D through Te Tumu, finding success on TikTok and continuing to nurture the Māori student experience at Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka.


Talei Anderson

Staff Talei AndersonAdministrator

Talei is of Te Arawa and Tainui descent. Talei started in the Health Sciences Divisional Office and moved to Kōhatu and the MHWDU in 2019. She brings a wealth of administrative knowledge from her previous positions outside of the university. She is excited to be part of a dynamic team supporting student achievement.

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