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The date in the title reflects the year in which data were analysed.

Indicators of child and youth health status in Aotearoa (2021)

National Report

Indicators of child and youth health status in Aotearoa

District Health Boards

Foundations of health in Aotearoa (2020)

National Report

Foundations for health in Aotearoa

District Health Boards

Health and wellbeing of under-25 year olds (2019)

National Reports

Health and wellbeing of under-25 year olds in Aotearoa

District Health Boards

Health and wellbeing of under-15 year olds (2018)

National Reports

Health and wellbeing of under-15 year olds in Aotearoa New Zealand

District Health Boards

Health and wellbeing of under-five year olds (2017)

National Reports

Health and wellbeing of under-five year olds in New Zealand

District Health Boards

The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities (2016)

National Reports

The health of children and young people with chronic conditions and disabilities in New Zealand

District Health Boards

The health status of children and young people (2015)

National Reports

District Health Boards

The determinants of health for children and young people (2014)

National reports

District Health Boards

The health of children and young people with chronic conditions and disabilities (2013)

National reports

District Health Boards

The determinants of health for children and young people (2012)

National reports

District Health Boards

The health status of children and young people (2011)

National reports

District Health Boards

The health of children and young people with chronic conditions and disabilities (2010)

National reports

District Health Boards

The determinants of health for children and young people (2009)

National reports

District Health Boards

The health of Pacific children and young people in New Zealand (2008)

National reports

District Health Boards

Developing an Indicator Monitoring Framework and Indicator Handbook (2007)

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