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Wednesday 20 May 2015 1:57pm

Dr Jon Cornwall with the text book he contributed to - Teaching Anatomy: A Practical Guide.

An Otago expert on clinical anatomy has contributed to the world's first text book on the subject, entitled Teaching Anatomy: A Practical Guide.

Dr Jon Cornwall was invited to contribute by the book's co-editor, Professor Wojciech Pawlina of the Mayo Clinic in the United States.

“Professor Pawlina is one of the world's pre-eminent anatomists, and the editor of the leading journal Anatomical Sciences Education,” Dr Cornwall says. “He was aware of my work and publishing background in the field of anatomical science education, and he contacted me and asked if I would contribute to this textbook. It is an absolute honour to have been involved.”

Dr Cornwall is the only New Zealand based author to contribute, and one of only a handful of people in Australasia.

Dr Cornwall's own research looks at the acquisition and utilisation of donated bodies in anatomy education and research, and muscle biology. His chapter looks at teacher self-evaluation in the setting of small group discussions.

He says the publication of the book is a “landmark event” in anatomical science education. It includes chapters on everything from setting up anatomy courses through to different methods of teaching, how to address different teaching scenarios, and assessment of anatomy courses.

Dr Cornwall is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Australasian Medical Journal, and holds positions as Associate Editor for Anatomical Sciences Education, the European Journal of Anatomy, and the International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy.

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