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gunsonBorn and educated in Northland, Lyn Gunson completed a Diploma in Physical Education at Otago in 1974 and a Master of Business Administration at Waikato University where she was a lecturer from 1995-1999. Following a successful career in secondary teaching, Lyn was Director of the Waikato Institute for Leisure and Sport, where she was heavily involved in the development of the Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies degree at Waikato.

Lyn is arguably one of the greatest netballers to have played the game in this country, captaining the New Zealand team for 11 years, winning two World Games titles and one World Championship, and losing a second world title by one goal to Australia. Her international coaching record has been similarly successful – she guided the New Zealand team to 45 wins in 49 tests in her three years as national coach, a truly outstanding record. She later coached the England national team at the 2002 Commonwealth Games and the 2003 World Championships.

Currently National U21 Coach and National Talent Coordinator for England Netball, Lyn is also Co-Leader of the Performance Coaches Programme at the South and South West England Netball Performance Centre based at the University of Bath.

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