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The University requires that all students enrolling for study should have completed their paper selection and submitted the course enrolment declaration by the required deadlines. Students who do not meet these deadlines may be charged a late fee.

In order to be as fair as possible to all students, guidelines regarding the waiving of late fees have been set in place.

The University must attempt to abide by these guidelines in order to remain objective and impartial. One of the main principles behind the guidelines is that a late fee will be waived only if circumstances leading to the charging of that late fee are beyond the student's control.

Students must apply for a waiver of any late fee in writing and supply supporting evidence.

Late fees are not covered by student loans, allowances or fees-free study.

Acceptable evidence to apply for a waiver

  1. A doctor's certificate dated and specifically stating the effect illness or injury had on your ability to complete your paper selection or submit the course enrolment declaration by the required date;
  2. Details of family circumstances which have affected your ability to complete your paper selection or submit the course enrolment declaration by the required date;
  3. Certification by a Head of Department or Programme Director of circumstances which have made it impossible for you to complete your paper selection or submit the course enrolment declaration by the required date.

Applications for a waiver are considered on a case-by-case basis and not all applications are approved.

Applications for a waiver should be sent to

Group Leader Student Administration
Student Experience
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054

Alternatively, you can submit your application for a waiver by email to or at the AskOtago Central Hub.

Guide to enrolment

Helping you through the enrolment process

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