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We'd be delighted to have you study Theology with us.

In working out your best course of study there are four steps to follow:

1. What would you like to achieve?

Think about what you would like to gain from your study, how much time you think you can devote, and what previous tertiary study you can build on.

2. Which level of study are you ready for?


If you are new to university study or haven't studied Theology before, then you can work towards an undergraduate qualification.


If you have the required pre-requisites from previous theological study, then you can work towards a postgraduate qualification.

3. Which papers would you like to study?

Theology papers

Work out which papers you should enrol for.

It is important that you become familiar with the requirements for each course of study, so that you can make informed choices. This is particularly important as you approach the completion of your chosen course. We are able to advise on this.

4. You are now ready to enrol

Enrol at Otago

Jump to the Enrolling at Otago webpage to start the enrolment process.


Find out about scholarships available to Theology students.

Theology contacts

You can always ask us about your intended course of study or about how to structure your degree.

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