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The Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad) in Theology involves at least 7 papers, at least 4 of which must be at 300-level, with the remaining 3 being at any level. It is designed for graduates and others with equivalent qualifications or experience. It can be used for a range of purposes:

  • someone who is a graduate in another discipline who wants to take a range of Theology papers but does not wish to do a BTheol can do 7 Theology papers for a DipGrad.
  • it can be a bridging qualification, so a graduate in another area who wishes to go on to study for a Postgraduate Diploma in Theology or a Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry can do a DipGrad as a way to gain entry into postgraduate work. In this case, the DipGrad needs to be carefully planned, so that the right papers to prepare for postgraduate study are undertaken. The grade average in 300-level papers also generally needs to be a B+ for entry to postgraduate study. For advice on what papers to take, please contact the Theology Course Adviser for Postgraduate Students:

The DipGrad may be completed by full-time candidates in one year or by part-time candidates over more than one year. All the papers in Theology can be studied by Distance Learning.

A DipGrad may be endorsed in Biblical Studies, Christian Thought and History, or Pastoral Studies. To be endorsed in one area, such as Biblical Studies, a DipGrad must include three 300-level papers in BIBS. Alternatively, an unendorsed DipGrad may include any seven papers in Theology.

Regulations for the Diploma for Graduates

Check out the requirements for completing a DipGrad in Biblical Studies, Christian Thought and History, Pastoral Studies or Theology.

Further information

Further information about the Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad), including information about gaining admission, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the Application Form, is available on the University website.

This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

Regulations on this page are taken from the 2023 Calendar and supplementary material.

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