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Thursday 18 February 2016 11:28am

The 2016 ASID Annual Scientific Meeting was held in Launceston, Tasmania at the Hotel Grand Chancellor from Wednesday 20th to Saturday 23rd April. This was the first time this meeting was held in Launceston. The meeting occurred on the 40th Anniversary of ASID. ASID Launceston 2016 meeting themes included a special focus on healthcare infection control and paediatric infectious diseases, with international speakers from UK and USA specialising in these areas. Other themes included drug dosing in the obese patient, transplantation infections, molecular diagnostics and refugee health. Their visiting international speakers provided a global perspective throughout the sessions, with several keynote lectures in their areas of expertise. The meeting included proffered papers, symposia and educational workshops.
If you have any questions, please contact the Conference Secretariat +61 2 8204 0770, email or website for more information.

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