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Applying for residential colleges

You can apply online from 1 August each year. Take time to complete your application fully as any inaccuracies may cause delays in sending it to the Residential College.

You will receive a confirmation email from the Student Accommodation Centre on receipt of your application.

Application for full-year accommodation in a residential college

Make an online application for a residential college from 1 August and before 11:59pm on 30 September 2024.

Ensure you make an online request for the Common Confidential Reference (CCRF) before the end of August. Your school will then need to complete it before 15 September 2024.

Once your application has been processed and reference attached it will be transferred to your first preference College. To be considered in the first round of offers your application should be submitted before 12pm on 30 September 2024.

Offers will be emailed in the first week of October 2024.

Before you start your application you will need the following information:

  • Select a qualification and register in eVision
  • The contact details for your guardian
  • National Student Number for students studying in New Zealand
  • Your NCEA Level 2 results or equivalent
  • Your three College preferences
  • A 300-word personal statement

College places continue to be offered between October and when University starts in February.

Applications for residential colleges can still be made after 30 September 2024 although it is likely they will be placed on the general waiting list.

If you are still on the waiting list in mid-February 2025, contact the Student Accommodation Centre.

Residents move in from mid-February. Spaces can become available within the first four weeks after the semester commences.


  • Make sure your application is completed online before 30 September 2024 to ensure it is processed before selection commences.
  • Complete the application in full. Missing information will cause delays in your application being processed or accepted.
  • If you are accepted into a college and payment of fees or a deposit is requested, be sure to pay by the deadline. Note that the deposit and initial payment are not covered by student loans/allowances.
  • Be aware that some of the colleges are over-subscribed with applications. If your first preference is unable to make an offer, your application will be forwarded to other colleges with vacancies.
  • Be aware that if you turn down an offer of a place in a college another offer is not guaranteed.
  • Please let us know as soon as possible if you decide not to study at Otago or no longer require accommodation in a College. There are other students on the waitlist awaiting an offer.
  • Each year there are a number of withdrawals from late December through to mid-February. Further offers of place are made during this time.
  • If you have already started your application process, you can log in by visiting:
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