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Browse the sections below to find out about copyright and how it affects members of our academic community.

Please note
  • The information presented on these pages is intended as advice for staff and students of the University of Otago and is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified legal professional.
  • The University's terms of use for this web site are available elsewhere.

What is Copyright?

Find out about the basic principles behind copyright and how it works in the Otago context in this introductory video.

eReserve and what you can copy for students in hard copy and on Blackboard / Moodle

Providing scans of books to students or links to electronic journals? You need to use eReserve.

What is fair dealing with copyright material?

Fair dealing is a key concept in copyright law. It allows any person to use copyrighted material in certain ways where you would otherwise have to seek the permission of the copyright holder.

'Educational Purposes' and copyright

Beyond copying that might be allowed as fair dealing, in New Zealand there are special provisions for educational copying.

Copyright licences at the University of Otago

Information about licensing agreements that grant the University the right to copy certain material beyond the allowances for copying for fair dealing or educational purposes.

Open Access

There is a growing movement within higher education to encourage the publication of data and content under more open alternatives to 'all rights reserved' copyright.

What are my rights as a creator of material?

Copyright applies to anything that is created in a fixed form and is a result of labour and skill. If you create anything in the course of your work (as almost all of us do), read about how copyright applies to that material.

What are my responsibilities when using copyright material that is not mine?

When we create things we frequently use material that was created by others. Read about what you can and can't do with such material.

Copyright and the web

The internet has changed the way we interact and share information and resources, particularly since the rise of Web 2.0. Read about what you can and can't do with material you find on the web, who owns material when you upload to Facebook or YouTube, and more...

Copyright and Web 2.0 publishing

Web 2.0 means everyone is a 'publisher.' Find out what you need to know if you have a blog or a wiki.

Copyright for students

How does copyright affect students, particularly those doing graduate research?

Students posting course materials online

Have you found course materials posted by students on a website like CourseHero or StuDocu?

Copyright and lectures

What can you show or play to students in a lecture situation? Does this change when the lecture is recorded? Is there a form I fill out when my lecture is recorded?

Seeking permission to use copyright material

How do I go about seeking permission to use something for which someone else holds the copyright?

Copyright-related policies

Links to Otago policies on Intellectual Property Rights for staff and students and other relevant official documents.

Further information

Contact the University Copyright Officer

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