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If you would like to switch your University of Otago Magazine subscription to an electronic copy, or receive a specific newsletter, please contact with your request. If you are not currently receiving @Otago or What's On emails you can update your details using our alumni update form.


UniMag imageUniversity of Otago Magazine

Visit the University of Otago Magazine latest edition and archives back to April 2002.

Comms atOtago red image@Otago: Alumni Newsletter

@Otago (formerly eConnect) is our Alumni electronic newsletter which features a variety of alumni news, upcoming events, and lets you keep up to date with what is happening at the University of Otago.
View previous issues of @Otago.

Whats onWhat's On: Upcoming local events (NZ)

What's On are a series of emails giving an overview of events happening in your region.

To receive the edition relative to your area please ensure your residential details are up to date by completing our alumni update form.

E-newsletters for Otago alumnienewsletters

There are a range of e-newsletters available for Otago alumni to engage with.  You may not have studied the subject while at Otago but have an interest in staying informed about the area and what students, staff and alumni are achieving.

Email identifying what you are interested in receiving.

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