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Thursday 18 October 2018 11:13am

This years Poster Day was a huge occasion for all our students who presented the results of their 400-level research to staff and fellow students of the department. Ten students took part in the event, which also doubled as an assessment component for those taking the ANAT 458 paper.

Professor Lisa Matisoo-Smith, Head of the Department of Anatomy, was impressed by the high quality of research on display. She congratulated the students on their presentations and commented that she learned a lot about areas of research she was not familiar with by talking to the students about their research.

Neuroscience Honours student Ireland Jacobs (pictured above) was awarded the Best Poster prize for her presentation on the association of impaired prolactin signalling in the brain and deficits in maternal care.

Professor Matisoo-Smith said she and fellow judges found it very difficult to pick just one winner, and that all the students should be very proud of their research achievements and their presentation skills.

A list of students who took part, and their research titles is below.

BSc (Hons) - Anatomy
Michael Loveridge
The twisted nature of the Achilles tendon.
(Supervisor: Dr Phil Blyth)

Victoria Sugrue
Sex determination in the Elephant Shark.
(Supervisor: Dr Tim Hore)

Hanna Van der Giessen
Investigating behavioural and anatomical changes following a thalamic stroke.
(Supervisor: Dr Andrew Clarkson)

BSc (Hons) - Neuroscience
Ireland Jacobs
Are deficits in maternal care in obese mice associated with impairments in prolactin signalling in the brain?
(Supervisors: Dr Sharon Ladyman, Dr Rosie Brown, Prof Dave Grattan)

PGDipSci - Anatomy
Duncan Coutts
Meth, myelin and messaging: How prenatal methamphetamine use affects white matter development.
(Supervisor: Dr Andrew Clarkson)

Tegan Dalton
Hip abductor muscle volume and fatty infiltration in Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS).
(Supervisors: Dr Stephanie Woodley and Dr Natasha Flack)

Tori Duxfield
Mapping strontium isotope ratios in New Zealand to study human migration.
(Supervisors: Dr Charlotte and King and Dr Rebecca Kinaston)

Chris Gowen
ARMS and the deep insight into Acoustic Startle Reflex.
(Supervisor: Dr Yusuf Cakmak)

Kristian Petersen
Abdominal and pubic anatomy in relation to groin injury.
(Supervisor: Dr Stephanie Woodley)

Uliana Sekene
An investigation for the potential visual perception differences between Pacific Islanders and New Zealand European students.
(Supervisor: Dr Yusuf Cakmak)

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