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    Cell signalling: how signals are received and transmitted within cells. Steroid hormone and redox signalling. Regulation of growth, development and cell death. Diseases associated with aberrant cell signalling.

    For cells to survive and perform their many required functions they need to respond to a vast array of signals. These signals are transmitted through crosstalk between proteins within the cell via various protein modifications and interactions which eventually convert the signal to an appropriate downstream response. Failure to do so invariably results in cellular dysfunction and disease.

    BIOC 353 explores the biochemical and molecular basis of cell signalling pathways. Key pathways required for cellular function will be explored with an emphasis on the diversity of post translational modifications and protein interactions required to effect signals within cells. Pathways to be explored include those involved in growth and development, molecular trafficking, metabolic responses, cell death, inflammatory and oxidative stress responses. Throughout the course, examples of where defective cellular signalling results in disease including cancer, metabolic, neurodegenerative and some rarer diseases will be given. The targeting of cell signalling molecules for therapeutics will also be explored.

    About this paper

    Paper title Molecular Basis of Health and Disease
    Subject Biochemistry
    EFTS 0.15
    Points 18 points
    Teaching period Semester 2 (On campus)
    Domestic Tuition Fees ( NZD ) $1,173.30
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    BIOC 222 or BIOC 223
    Recommended Preparation
    BIOC 221
    Schedule C
    In approved cases BIOC221 and BIOC192 may be substituted for BIOC222 or BIOC223.

    This paper is suitable for a broad range of majors who have a basic background in molecular and cell biology. It fulfills requirements in most majors of BBiomedSc and complements many BSc majors, including Anatomy, Human Nutrition, Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Physiology. Students having taken BIOC 222 or BIOC 223 will have the required background. The BIOC 221, ANAT 241 and PHSL 231 papers provide some relevant background.

    Teaching staff

    Associate Professor Louise Bicknell


    Textbooks are not required for this paper.

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Interdisciplinary perspective, Lifelong learning, Scholarship, Communication, Critical thinking, Ethics, Information literacy, Research, Self-motivation, Teamwork.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    Students who successfully complete this paper will:

    • Explain fundamental concepts in cell signalling biology using relevant examples
    • Design and execute experiments to study cellular responses using contemporary biochemical techniques
    • Understand the relationship between hypothesis, experiment and data, and application of this to attain knowledge
    • Identify and critically evaluate relevant information from the scientific literature


    Semester 2

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system


    Stream Days Times Weeks
    A1 Monday 10:00-10:50 37-38, 40
    B1 Tuesday 10:00-10:50 29-35, 37-42
    C1 Wednesday 10:00-10:50 29-35, 37-42


    Stream Days Times Weeks
    Attend one stream from
    A1 Tuesday 09:00-09:50 37-41
    Tuesday 11:00-17:50 37-41
    A2 Thursday 09:00-09:50 37-41
    Thursday 11:00-17:50 37-41


    Cell signalling: how signals are received and transmitted within cells. Steroid hormone and redox signalling. Regulation of growth, development and cell death. Diseases associated with aberrant cell signalling.

    For cells to survive and perform their many required functions they need to respond to a vast array of signals. These signals are transmitted through crosstalk between proteins within the cell via various protein modifications and interactions which eventually convert the signal to an appropriate downstream response. Failure to do so invariably results in cellular dysfunction and disease.

    BIOC 353 explores the biochemical and molecular basis of cell signalling pathways. Key pathways required for cellular function will be explored with an emphasis on the diversity of post translational modifications and protein interactions required to effect signals within cells. Pathways to be explored include those involved in growth and development, molecular trafficking, metabolic responses, cell death, inflammatory and oxidative stress responses. Throughout the course, examples of where defective cellular signalling results in disease including cancer, metabolic, neurodegenerative and some rarer diseases will be given. The targeting of cell signalling molecules for therapeutics will also be explored.

    About this paper

    Paper title Molecular Basis of Health and Disease
    Subject Biochemistry
    EFTS 0.15
    Points 18 points
    Teaching period Semester 2 (On campus)
    Domestic Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for 2025 have not yet been set
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    BIOC 222 or BIOC 223
    Recommended Preparation
    BIOC 221
    Schedule C
    In approved cases BIOC221 and BIOC192 may be substituted for BIOC222 or BIOC223.

    This paper is suitable for a broad range of majors who have a basic background in molecular and cell biology. It fulfills requirements in most majors of BiomedSc and complements many BSc majors, including Anatomy, Human Nutrition, Genetics, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Physiology. Students having taken BIOC 222 or BIOC 223 will have the required background. BIOC 221 also provides some relevant background.

    Teaching staff

    Convenor: Associate Professor Louise Bicknell.

    Paper Structure

    Lectures are held twice a week for the semester with a third lecture per week for half of the semester. Labs are held once a week per stream for five weeks.

    Teaching Arrangements

    Arrangements can be made for students to leave the lab for other commitments such as lectures and are able to plan their laboratory experiments to fit in with those commitments.


    Textbooks are not required for this paper.

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Interdisciplinary perspective, Lifelong learning, Scholarship, Communication, Critical thinking, Ethics, Information literacy, Research, Self-motivation, Teamwork.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    Students who successfully complete this paper will:

    • Explain fundamental concepts in cell signalling biology using relevant examples
    • Design and execute experiments to study cellular responses using contemporary biochemical techniques
    • Understand the relationship between hypothesis, experiment and data, and application of this to attain knowledge
    • Identify and critically evaluate relevant information from the scientific literature
    Assessment details

    30% Internal assessments

    70% Final examination


    Semester 2

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system
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