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Research Associate Professor
Department of Medicine (Dunedin)
Research summary
Physical activity; bone and body composition assessment in children and adults


Currently, I'm the Director of the Bone and Body Composition Research Unit which undertakes innovative prospective studies evaluating bone density and quantifying body composition and regional body fat distribution in children and adults using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).

I'm also involved with three major research projects in collaboration with other members of the Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Centre: MInT, PLAY and Healthy Homework in several capacities, including providing physical activity recommendations for children and families and analysis and management of accelerometry for physical activity and sleep assessment.

Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research


Haszard, J. J., Jackson, R., Morrison, S., Meredith-Jones, K. A., Galland, B. C., Beebe, D. W., Elder, D. E., & Taylor, R. W. (2024). Losing sleep influences dietary intake in children: A longitudinal compositional analysis of a randomised crossover trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 21(1), 61. doi: 10.1186/s12966-024-01607-5 Journal - Research Article

Brosnan, B. J., Wickham, S., Meredith-Jones, K. A., Haszard, J. J., Galland, B. C., Russell Camp, T., & Taylor, R. W. (2024). Streaming or dreaming? A repeated measures study examining how objectively measured screen use influences sleep in young adolescents. Obesity Facts, 17(Suppl. 1), (pp. 221). doi: 10.1159/000538577 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Meredith-Jones, K. A., Haszard, J. J., Graham-DeMello, A., Campbell, A., Stewart, T., Galland, B. C., Cox, A., Kennedy, G., … Taylor, R. W. (2024). Validation of actigraphy sleep metrics in children aged 8 to 16 years: Considerations for device type, placement and algorithms. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 21, 40. doi: 10.1186/s12966-024-01590-x Journal - Research Article

Abshirini, M., Galland, B., Conner, T. S., Roy, N. C., Gearry, R. B., Frampton, C. M. A., Ware, L., Forrest, B., Smith, H., … Meredith-Jones, K., & Miller, J. C. (2023). Effect of heat-inactivated Lactobacillus sp. on sleep, stress, and gastrointestinal health in adults with insomnia and elevated stress levels: A study protocol for a randomised, controlled, double-blind study. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the New Zealand and Australian Nutrition Societies: Nutrition and Wellbeing in Oceania. (pp. 205). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Duncan, S., Wilson, O., Ikeda, E., Hinckson, E., Mandic, S., Richards, J., … Meredith-Jones, K., … Smith, M. (2023). Aotearoa New Zealand's 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Sport & Exercise Science, 7(4), (pp. 68). doi: 10.36905/jses.2023.04.01 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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