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The Otago Business School Internship Programme provides students with opportunities to work for employers spread across a wide range of business sectors. Below is feedback from some of our interns about their experience.

Monique Brown - Escea

“I was hoping to gain an invaluable experience that would not only give me the ability to stand out from the crowd when applying for a job but also really ensure that marketing was the area I wanted to build a career in.” Read more...


Sarah Laurenson - Farmlands

“I learned so much about how businesses operate and also details about accounting and finance. I learned the significance of communication and teamwork, and I also learned very valuable time management skills.” Read more...


Kimberly Thompson - University of Otago, Human Resources

"Definitely do it! There are no negatives about doing an internship. You may not want to take a year off studying but there are even Internships which go for six months. It can fit perfectly and only extends your degree for a year while getting paid." Read more...


Loren McErlean - Unilever

“The learning curve was huge. My first task was assisting with national payroll – I had no idea of how an office worked so it was an eye-opener to start at the deep end, but they have been really supportive.” Read more...


Rochelle Hawkins - Southern Hospitality

"I was doing everything from social media research to web development, as well as covering a full range of administration and showroom responsibilities. My project was to survey clients receiving the company's email marketing information." Read more...


Nicole Venz - Mercy Hospital

“If there's one thing I've learnt, it's that communication between different groups in an organisation is key. The intern programme has been an all-round good experience; I feel more equipped and confident to take on future work.” Read more...


Mina Atayee - Sealord

“It was very satisfying to oversee a project from scratch to seeing it making a difference in use in the workplace. Study stopped being theoretical very quickly with this kind of experience.” Read more...


Erica Stevens - Foodstuffs

“University studies are academic until you actually put your skills to the test in an office situation. It's really only then that you understand your skills – what you are good at, what you enjoy, and what you want to do with your learning.” Read more...


Emma Johns - University of Otago, ITS

"It was a crazy year balancing both study and work, but until then I didn't know what I was capable of, so the experience and the work projects helped to show areas of interest and what I was keen to get involved in.” Read more...


Nathan Wilson - Unilever

“You are not 'shadowing' anyone. You have KPI's just like any other employee. Getting a taste of the real world has been both sobering, enlightening and my most treasured University experience to date.” Read more...


Amanda Navaratne - Bupa Care Services

“One year prior, I could not have anticipated the level of personal and professional growth I would have experienced throughout this journey with Bupa Care Services." Read more...


“It's a great experience to see highly motivated young people take on challenges that grow them so successfully and provide a great platform for their future plans.”
Julie Pearse
Internship Manager, Otago Business School

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