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Congratulations to all students who studied at the Otago Business School in 2017 who made it onto the Dean's List. You demonstrated excellence and dedication to your academic studies. Well done!

To qualify, students are likely to be in the top 5% of their class, with a grade average of 7.5 or higher.

Otago Business School Dean's List - 2017

Timothy Armstrong (Economics, Finance)
Jack Ascroft (Economics, Finance)
Andrew Black (Accounting, Finance)
Stephen Burnett (Economics)
Freddie Cleverley (Finance)
Jack Cranston (International Business, Management)
Harry Cunninghame (Finance)
Fergus Dale (Management, Tourism)
Jamie Edwards (Marketing)
Harry Flett (Finance)
Longbo Gou (Marketing)
Tyler Haslemore (Finance)
Scott Herbert (Finance)
Benjamin Hurley (Accounting, Finance)
Hanlin Johnstone (Accounting, Finance)
Kate Kenna (Accounting, Finance)
Rachel Kennedy (Marketing)
Yixuan Liu (Information Science)
Nicola Lord (Accounting, Management)
Rohan Luthra Finance
Penelope McRandle (Marketing)
Cameron Metherell (Economics, Marketing)
Matthew Moloney (Economics, Finance)
Hugh Mooney (Accounting)
Madison O'Donnell (Marketing)
Joanna Pahl (Management)
Justine Rance (Management)
Sarah Reid (Economics)
Alice Rountree (Finance)
Zoe Sabonadiere (International Business)
Carl Scott (Economics, Finance)
Emily Strang (Information Science, Management)
Han Sun (Economics, Finance)
Anna Wise (Accounting, Finance)
Haidan Xie (Marketing, Management)

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