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Jen Purdie 2021 imageSenior Research Fellow

Tel +64 3 470 3577


Dr Jen Purdie works at the nexus of climate and energy. Her research interests include climate change impacts on the energy system, and climate forecasting on a range of timescales.

Jen worked in the energy industry from 2008 to 2020, more recently modelling climate change impacts on the energy system, working in wind, water, and snow forecasting and giving climate change advice.

Her PhD was completed in 2007 and involved seasonal forecasting of hydro lake inflows in the Waitaki catchment.

Jen also regularly gives general climate change talks to schools and community groups.

Current and recent research projects


Current postgraduate students

  • May Robertson (Hons) Dissertation in Energy Management.

Recent postgraduate students


Purdie, J. (2023, November). Industrial demand response to firm up a 100% renewable electricity system. Verbal presentation at the 17th Otago Energy Research Centre (OERC) Symposium: An Energy Research Agenda for 2050, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Purdie, J. (2022). Modelling climate change impacts on inflows, lake storage and spill in snow-fed hydroelectric power catchments, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology (New Zealand), 61(2), 151-178. Journal - Research Article

Powell, A., Jack, M., & Purdie, J. (2022). Modelling the long-term impacts of EV uptake within a 100% renewable New Zealand power system. Proceedings of the 16th Otago Energy Research Centre (OERC) Symposium: An Equitable and Low-Cost Energy Transition. (pp. 31). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Purdie, J. (2022). New Zealand must get over its obsession with big cars and go smaller or electric to cut emissions. The Conversation. Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Powell, A., Jack, M., & Purdie, J. (2021). Modelling the long-term impacts of increased demand response within a 100% renewable New Zealand power system. Proceedings of the 15th Otago Energy Research Centre (OERC) Symposium: The Challenge of Net Zero by 2050. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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