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Jonathan WillimanSenior Research Fellow

BSc(Hons) PhD MBiostat

Tel 64 364 3606

Department of Population Health
University of Otago, Christchurch
P.O. Box 4345
Christchurch 8140


Dr Jonathan Williman has focused his research and professional career on developing population-based health innovations, protecting public health, and reducing health inequalities.

He has first-hand experience in conducting a diversity of research including laboratory studies, surveillance and epidemiological studies, and clinical trials.

Jonathan completed a PhD in Immunology (Otago) before taking up a position as a Health Information Analyst with the Population and Environmental Health Group at the Institute of Environmental Science.

In 2009 he was appointed a Research Fellow within the Addictions Program at the National Institute of Health Innovation, University of Auckland.

Jonathan joined the University of Otago, Christchurch, in 2012. He works within the Biostatistics and Computational Biology Unit to provide collaborative research and biostatistical expertise and support to staff and students across the campus.

Research Interests

  • Population Health Interventions
  • Clinical Trials

Professional activities

  • Member of the New Zealand Statistical Association
  • Member of the Australasian Epidemiological Association


Stedman, L. A., Williman, J., Burnside, M., Davies, H., Jefferies, C., Marsters, B., … Wheeler, B., Wiltshire, E., de Bock, M., on behalf of KIWIDIAB. (2024). Emergent inequity of glycaemic metrics for Māori children with type 1 diabetes is negated by early use of continuous glucose monitoring. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1598), 14-21. Retrieved from Journal - Research Article

Graham, F., Williman, J., Desha, L., Snell, D., Jones, B., Ingham, T., Latu, A. T. F., Ranta, A., Walker, E., Makasini, S., & Ziviani, J. (2024). Realist process evaluation of occupational performance coaching: Protocol. BMJ Open, 14, e075727. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075727 Journal - Research Other

Burnside, M., Williman, J., Davies, H., Jefferies, C., Paul, R., Wheeler, B., Wiltshire, E., Anderson, Y., & de Bock, M. (2024). National health care that does not fund continuous glucose monitoring drives inequity in paediatric diabetes: The New Zealand example [RACP Trainee Research Awards in Paediatric Medicine Aotearoa New Zealand 2022]. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 60(Suppl. 2), (pp. 4). doi: 10.1111/jpc.16543 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Martin, N. G., Williman, J., Walls, T., Sadarangani, M., & Grant, C. C. (2024). Neurodevelopmental outcomes following childhood viral meningitis in Canterbury New Zealand. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1097/inf.0000000000004398 Journal - Research Article

Lever, C. S., Williman, J. A., Boucsein, A., Watson, A., Sampson, R. S., Sergel-Stringer, O. T., Keesing, C., … Wheeler, B. J., de Bock, M. I., & Paul, R. G. (2024). Real time continuous glucose monitoring in high-risk people with insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes: A randomised controlled trial. Diabetic Medicine. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/dme.15348 Journal - Research Article

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