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Research in our Department draws from a broad range of disciplines, all of which are essential to addressing public health issues.

Embracing the significant overlap and synergy between the three broad groupings represented in the Department; Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Environment and Health, Social Science, Humanities and Health, our researchers focus on areas such as:

  • The marginalisation of vulnerable populations
  • Quality and safety in health care
  • Infectious disease
  • Surveillance and management
  • Food environments
  • Hauora Māori
  • Health professionals
  • Health promotion
  • Public health pedagogy

Methodological expertise spans:

  • Epidemiology and biostatistics
  • Kaupapa Māori
  • A range of qualitative methods


Travel injury and fatality rates by mode of transport: A systematic review
January 2023-
Dr Angela Curl
Associate Professor Rebecca McLean
Rachel Haselden 

The relationship between alcohol and suicide in Aotearoa New Zealand
Funded by Oakley Mental Health Foundation
Dr Rose Crossin
Lana Cleland
Professor Joe Boden (UOC Psychological Medicine)

Drug and alcohol harms in Aotearoa New Zealand
Funded by HRC and University of Otago
Dr Rose Crossin
Lana Cleland
Professor Joe Boden (UOC Psychological Medicine)

Activating Change through InterVentions for Active Travel in our Neighbourhoods (ACTIVATION)
Funded by Healthier Lives and Ageing Well
May 2020-June 2024
Dr Angela Curl
Dr Christina McKerchar
Dr Helen Fitt
Dr Jonathan Williman
Els Russell
Cushla Dares
Anna Coppens
Amanda Smithies
Nicki Williams

A participatory virtual street audit of urban environments for falls risk
Funded by a University of Otago Research Grant
January 2020-
Dr Angela Curl
Dr Jonathan Williman
Cushla Dares
Tessa Pocock
Amanda Smithies

On demand delivery of unhealthy commodities in New Zealand
Funded by Lottery Health and a University of Otago Research Grant
Dr Rose Crossin
Dr Angela Curl
Dr Christina McKerchar

ESRC: Understanding sexual violence in sex working populations: Law, legal consciousness and legal practice in four countries
Funded by Economic and Social Research Council (UK)
July 2021–December 2023
Professor Gillian Abel

Work practices and safety of internet-based sex work in New Zealand
Funded by Internet NZ
July 2017–June 2018
Professor Gillian Abel

Street-based sex workers in the Community: exploring community tensions, and experiences of violence and coercion
Funded by Lotteries Grants Board
July 2017–June 2019
Professor Gillian Abel

Epidemiology Services to Perioperative Mortality Review Committee
Associate Professor Phil Hider

General practitioners, patients and conversations about chronic pain
Funded by a University of Otago Research Grant
January 2017–March 2018
Associate Professor Lee Thompson

People, pleasures and public health: a pilot study
Associate Professor Lee Thompson

The graduate entry Master of Nursing Science: learning, teaching and practising
Associate Professor Lee Thompson

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