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Academic OneFile

Access Medicine (McGraw-Hill)

UOC access

Access Medicine includes 130+ books and other resources including drug monographs, case studies, multimedia and study aids from the major health publisher McGraw-Hill. Included among the books are Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment.

Access Medicine: John Murtagh's General Practice Collection (McGraw-Hill)

UOC access

John Murtagh's General Practice Collection comprises a range of resources on general practice and primary health care, including Murtagh's General Practice textbook.

Access Neurology (McGraw-Hill)

UOC access

Access Neurology provides access to leading textbooks, multimedia, Q&A, and more. Textbooks include Principles of Neural Science, and Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology. It also hosts an extensive multimedia library of videos on neurologic examinations and EEG monitoring.

Access Pharmacy (McGraw-Hill)

UOC access only

An online curricular resource designed for pharmacy education. This database offers access to: Textbooks; Quick Reference; Multimedia library; Drug therapy cases; Self-assessment; Topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice; Integrated drug database.

Access Physiotherapy (McGraw-Hill)

UOC access

Access Physiotherapy includes access to leading McGraw-Hill textbooks, procedure and exercise videos, image galleries, self-assessment tools, and other unique learning tools. The collection also includes access to Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine textbook.

Anatomy resources

e-Anatomy: The Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy

Atlas of human anatomy: cross-sectional anatomy, gross anatomy, radiological anatomy. Provides medical imaging and pictures of head and neck, thorax abdomen and pelvis, limbs, and spine.

  • Mobile access:
  1. Register a free account on to get a username and password
  2. Connect the device to the University network (so that IMAIOS can detect a valid IP address)
  3. Download and install IMAIOS e-Anatomy App on your device (free from iTunes and Google Play)
  4. Login in IMAIOS e-Anatomy App using the username and password (please note that they are case-sensitive)

Gale Interactive Human Anatomy (Gale Cengage)

This database includes interactive 3-D models that allow students to deep dive into specific systems or regions of the body. Users can explore 3-D models by zooming in, rotating, and dissecting them.

Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre

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