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Wendy Dallas-Katoa imageClinical Senior Lecturer

BA, BHS(Te Wānanga-o-Raukawa) CertClinTchg(ChchCE)


About Wendy Dallas-Katoa (Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha)

Wendy is a Senior Lecturer at MIHI and contributes to the Undergrad Hauora Māori programme and post-graduate short courses that support the professional developments of health professionals in the Hui Process and Meihana Model.

Wendy has over 25 years of experience in the Health sector in a variety of roles. She has represented Māori interests in health on a number of boards and organisations


Undergraduate medical curriculum

Postgraduate short courses

  • MIHI 501 Health Professionals


Epperson, S., & Dallas Katoa, W. (2014). Speaking with One Voice Te Reo Kotahi. Proceedings of the New Zealand Population Health Congress: Connecting Communities, Policy and Science. (pp. 245). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Pitama, S., Robertson, P., Cram, F., Gillies, M., Huria, T., & Dallas-Katoa, W. (2007). Meihana model: A clinical assessment framework. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 36(3), 118-125. Journal - Research Article

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