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Interprofessional Discharge Planning

JD IPE Rotorua imageJohn Dean, one of the Simulation Centre team, was invited to lead a half day workshop on safe and effective interprofessional discharge planning for Lakes District Health Board at the beginning of November. Over 60 senior clinicians attended the workshop, representing a wide range of professions.

The workshop was held in Rotorua Hospital and was based on the successful Interprofessional Discharge Planning session which forms part of the Trainee Intern programme in Christchurch. The workshop was adapted to represent the local services and demographic profile.

MNSc students use UOC Simulation Centre

MNSc student in Simulation Centre

As part of the Master of Nursing Science programme, students have regular clinical skills teaching sessions at the Simulation Centre.

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Inter Professional Education (IPE)

IPE photo 2019 ImageThe Simulation Centre has been increasing the presence of inter professional education (IPE) on the Christchurch campus, particularly in the Trainee Intern Clinical Skills Vertical Module.

A teaching session has been developed centered on the safe and effective transfer of care of a patient from hospital to primary care (discharge planning).

Led by Dr Claire Dillon, Senior Clinical Lecturer, the session to date has involved 17 faculty and over 300 participants from the University of Otago, Christchurch, the University of Canterbury and the Canterbury District Health Board. The session has become increasingly popular, outgrowing its original home in the Simulation Centre and shifting operations to the Beaven Lecture Theatre and the 7 floor teaching rooms on the main campus.

Claire and John Dean, Lecturer (Clinical Skills) have presented two papers based on this IPE session at the International Network for Health Workforce Education (Dublin, January 2019), a workshop at the New Zealand Association for Simulation in Healthcare conference (Auckland 2018) and the Canterbury Collaborative Simulation Interest Group (Christchurch 2018). They have also presented a webinar as part of the University of Otago Centre for Inter Professional Education series 2019.

We are indebted to the Centre for Inter Professional Education, Marissa O'Leary and Scott Hallman for their continuing input to the session.

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