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The role of Kaiāwhina (Māori student support) provides a valuable direct link to Māori and Pacific students. It also facilitates and fosters closer links with Kaiāwhina network in Division of Sciences, primarily to ensure that Māori and Pacific students can access all related resources and maximum assistance.

Meet Kaiāwhina in the School of Computing

Computer Science Women's Association

We have a Computer Science Women's Association.

Visit the Computer Science Women's Association Facebook page

Other student support services at the University of Otago

For general learning see the resources at Student Learning Development.

Various organisations can provide support for Māori and Pacific students. Students with disabilities or impairments should contact the Otago Disabilities Information and Support Office.  See also Student Health, including for issues impacting your mental health and wellbeing.

OUSA (your Student Association) has its own support page, or you can visit Student Services to discover the range of student services available to support you during your university experience.

For any other support enquiries please contact the Computer Science office:

Tel +64 3 479 8397

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