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The Cox Analytical Systems iTrax XRF Corescanner can be used to obtain high resolution geochemical and image data from split drill cores, wet sediments and discrete samples. The itrax has the ability to measure core diameters between 60 and 120mm at resolutions that can range between a minimum of 0.1 mm and a maximum of 10 mm.

The iTrax has the ability to:

  • measure multiple elements between Al and U in a single run, generally down to ppm levels for most metals
  • take X-Ray images that can show variations in the core due to density or chemical variations. These variations may be invisible to the naked eye
  • take digital RGB images using a high resolution line scan camera


The core facility currently has two xrf tubes. A 2200 W Chromium tube and a 3000W Molybdenum.

The speed at which core can be analysed in the iTrax varies depending on a number of parameters. To calculate the approximate time it will take to scan a length of core please fill out the fields below.

iTrax Calculation

iTrax Calculation
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