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The page concerns the Health and Safety Committee (Council), formerly known as the "Health & Safety and Ethics Compliance Committee". For the operational sub-committee of the same name, see link at bottom of page.

Terms of Reference

  • To review and recommend to the University Council on all matters relating to health and safety, including related statutory compliance;
  • To ensure that the University Council is regularly provided information in order that its members:
    1. are kept up-to-date with knowledge of work health, safety and wellbeing matters;
    2. maintain an understanding of the operations of the University, and generally of the hazards and risks associated with those operations;
    3. can be satisfied the University has in place, and is using, appropriate resources and processes:
      1. to eliminate or minimise health and safety risks; and
      2. for complying with its other Health and Safety duties and obligations
    4. can be satisfied that the University has appropriate processes in place for receiving and considering information regarding incidents, hazards, and risks and for responding in a timely way to that information; and
    5. can verify the provision and use of the resources and processes referred to in paragraphs (c) and (d)

Last updated: 12 December 2023


The Constitution of the Health and Safety Committee shall be as follows:

  • One lay member of the University Council (Convener)
  • Two further members of the University Council
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise)
  • Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Health Sciences
  • Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Sciences
  • Chief Operating Officer

In attendance

  • Director, Property and Campus Development
  • Director, Health and Safety and Wellbeing
  • Director, Human Resources Division

The following will attend when presenting reports:

  • Convener, Hazardous Substances and Radiation Committee

Committee to meet bi-monthly and to receive reports from the following sub-committees.


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