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The Committee for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching is a committee of Senate. Its purpose is to support and promote excellence in learning and teaching across the University.

Terms of Reference

  • To develop new strategies directed at contemporary topics in teaching and learning, primarily through the establishment of thematic subcommittees and working groups.
  • To initiate, create and advance policies and guidelines on teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation.
  • To recognise, support and promote excellence and innovative developments in teaching and learning, and the effective use of information and communication technologies.
  • To work with University bodies and external agencies to disseminate information on innovative practice in teaching, learning and assessment, including the Internationalisation Committee.
  • To administer, evaluate and award the annual Otago Teaching Excellence Awards and to select nominees for the national awards.
  • To foster and facilitate research and scholarship into university teaching and learning, including disbursing, administering and reporting on University funds.
  • To encourage applications for externally funded grants for the development and support of excellence in teaching and learning.
  • To serve as an Advisory Group to the Higher Education Development Centre.
  • To discuss and, where appropriate, act upon regular reports from the Academic Integrity Group, Higher Education Development Centre, Information Technology Services, Internationalisation Committee, Library Services and Digitally-Enhanced Learning and Teaching Group.


Composition of the BoardMember Expiry date (if applicable)
Dean of Learning and Teaching (Convener) Professor Tim Cooper Ex officio
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) or nominee Professor Richard Blaikie Ex officio
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) of the Division of Commerce Dr Nicola Beatson 31 December 2024
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) of the Division of Health Sciences Dr Rebecca Bird 31 December 2024
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) of the Division of Humanities Ben Varkalis 31 December 2024
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) of the Division of Sciences Dr Sheena Townsend 31 December 2024
Director, International Jason Cushen Ex officio
Head, Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC)-Ex officio
Director, Distance Learning Dr Sarah Stein Ex officio
Director (or nominee), Student Services Dr Jo Oranje Ex officio
Director, Academic Integrity and Advisory Group Dr Lee Adam Ex officio
Director, Summer School and Continuing Education Professor Tim Cooper (Acting) Ex officio
OUSA representative Stella Lynch 31 December 2024
Director, Quality Advancement Margaret Morgan Ex officio
Information Technology Services Division representative Nicola Walmsley 31 December 2024
Library representative Cate Bardwell 31 December 2024
Co-opted Dr Russell Butson
Jo Borren
Chen Wang
31 December 2024
Māori and Pacific representatives Associate Professor Tracy Perry 31 December 2024
Professor Rose Richards 31 December 2024
In attendance Marama Pohatu
Dr Julie Weaver
Committee Secretary
In attendance
Michelle Bennie 

The Board has the power to co-opt as required.

Meeting dates for 2024

CALT meeting dates – 2:00pm.

  • 21 February
  • 28 March
  • 17 April
  • 30 May
  • 27 June
  • 25 July
  • 29 August
  • 26 September
  • 31 October
  • 28 November

University Teaching Development Grants

The primary purpose of University Teaching Development Grants is to foster active and scholarly development of teaching in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the University.

Find out more about University Teaching Development Grants

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