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Postgraduate parade

Successful distance education students:

Are open-minded about sharing life, work, and educational experiences as part of the learning process. The online process requires students to utilize their experiences.

Are able to communicate through writing. Students need to feel comfortable in expressing themselves in writing.

Are self-motivated and self-disciplined. Taking distance education courses requires a real commitment and self-discipline to keep up with the flow of the process. Effective distance learners become and stay responsible for themselves.

Are willing to speak up if problems arise. The instructor cannot see the student, so distance students must be willing to communicate. Otherwise the instructor will never know what is wrong.

Are willing and able to commit around 15 hours per week per paper (18pts). Distance education is not easier than the traditional educational process! Many students say that it requires much more time and commitment.

Have reading skills at an average university level or better.

Use available resources. Effective distance learners make maximum use of their library, class materials, and Learning Support Services. When confronted with a problem, they assume responsibility for defining their needs and identifying available resources.

Initiate coursework promptly after enrolment. Effective distance learners make it a habit to begin working on each new course as soon as course materials are received. Research shows that if you finish the first assignment, you are likely to finish the entire course.

Maintain structured study routines. Successful distance students identify appropriate times and locations for studying. After estimating the amount of required study time, effective learners review their weekly activities and commit that time to their schedules. Study locations are free from interruptions and distractions.

Log on to their course a minimum of 2-3 days a week.

Establish and maintain a consistent schedule for submitting assignments. Successful students commit themselves to realistic goals for submitting work.

Apply what they have learned. Effective distance learners try to make connections between what they are learning and what they do or will do in their job. Contributing ideas about the real-world as it applies to the subject matter helps students to internalize what they are learning and provides valuable insight to classmates.

Are comfortable using reference books and dictionaries as needed to understand material.

Are able to stay on task without supervision.

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