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    The role of the chaplain in diverse contexts, with particular emphasis on the forms of traumatic stress that chaplains deal with in each setting.

    This paper explores the theology (or philosophy) and practice of pastoral ministry in diverse chaplaincy settings: including school and tertiary; healthcare; community; workplace; military; prison and disaster contexts. The paper pays particular attention to how chaplains can care for those experiencing trauma, as well as how they can care for themselves, and develop in ministry practice, as they care for others. The paper is designed for people engaged in care giving, including chaplains and ministers, as well as for those seeking to become involved in care giving roles.

    About this paper

    Paper title Chaplaincy in Diverse Contexts
    Subject Ministry
    EFTS 0.1667
    Points 20 points
    Teaching period Not offered in 2024 (Distance learning)
    Domestic Tuition Fees ( NZD ) $1,240.75
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    Limited to
    BA(Hons), PGDipArts, PGCertChap, PGDipChap, MChap, BTheol(Hons), PGDipTheol, MTheol, PGDipMin, MMin
    Any student can study Theology, whether they are of the Christian faith, another faith or of no religious faith at all. Theology is an examination of the scriptures, history, content and relevance of the Christian faith, but it presupposes or requires no Christian commitment from students. All it requires is an inquiring mind and an interest in those skills that can be gained through the study of any subject in the Humanities.

    Dr Graham Redding

    Teaching staff

    Dr Graham Redding

    Paper Structure
    • Module 1: Introductions (Videoconference 1)
    • Module 2: Theology; Contexts #1 (Teaching Day)
    • Module 3: Pastoral formation #1; Trauma #1; Contexts #2 (Videoconference 2)
    • Module 4: Pastoral formation #2; Trauma #2; Contexts #3 (Videoconference 3)
    • Module 5: Pastoral formation #3; Resilience; Contexts #4 (Videoconference 4)
    • Module 6: Pastoral formation #4; Contexts #5 (Videoconference 5)
    • Module 7: Pastoral formation #5; Contexts #6 (Videoconference 6)
    There are four assessment tasks:
    1. Pastoral case study (2200 words plus verbatim; worth 25%)
    2. Essay (and presentation) on Chaplaincy in a Selected Context (2500 words plus 10 minute presentation; worth 35%)
    3. Six posts on Pastoral Formation and Self-care (Each 400-500 words: maximum 3000 words total; worth 25%)
    4. Three responses to Context Presentations (Each 300-400 words: maximum 1200 words total; worth 15%)
    Teaching Arrangements

    This Distance Learning paper is taught remotely.

    Seven 2-hour videoconferences on Zoom spaced throughout the semester.


    Textbooks are not required for this paper.

    Course outline

    View the latest course outline for MINS 411

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Global perspective, Scholarship, Communication, Critical thinking, Ethics, Research, Self-motivation.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    Students who successfully complete the paper will be able to:

    • Articulate historical and theological foundations of chaplaincy within the Christian tradition
    • Critically reflect upon a range of contextually embedded chaplaincy models
    • Articulate key aspects of their own personal formation (in chaplaincy, if appropriate,) as spiritual carer, intercessor and healer
    • Outline a process of pastoral assessment, key pastoral interventions, and plan of care
    • Articulate how a careseeker’s beliefs, values, and faith impacts how they experience stress, and face crisis
    • Describe how a careseeker’s family, social, cultural systems and the intersectionality of their identity impacts on how they experience stress, and face crisis
    • Assess and analyse how loss, violence, and ways of coping impact on how a careseeker experiences stress and faces crisis
    • Articulate the way traumatic stress might be experienced in diverse chaplaincy settings
    • Describe and differentiate between the characteristics and symptomatology of grief, traumatic stress, and moral injury, and critically analyse the role of the chaplain in serving people who have experienced these and in helping them develop resilience
    • Critically analyse the significance of the readings in the New Zealand context (including in our bicultural and multicultural society and in relation to recent disasters and tragedies)
    • Articulate a plan and a theology of self-care applicable to the student's own needs and context


    Not offered in 2024

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught through Distance Learning
    Learning management system
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