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Do you want to develop a paper for Summer School?

A proposal for a new Summer School paper must be approved by the relevant Divisional Academic Board prior to progressing to the Board of Undergraduate Studies and/or the Board of Graduate Studies, and Senate. University-wide deadlines apply. For further information, please contact your Divisional Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate), or your Divisional Academic Specialist. Additional details about the approvals process, including timelines and templates, can be found at the link below:

Resources and proposal templates for academic approval and quality assurance processes

A proposal for a new paper to be offered for the first time in Summer School requires a New Paper Proposal (formerly Form 3).

A proposal to amend the teaching period of an existing paper to offer the paper at Summer School requires a New Mode or New Teaching Period Proposal (formerly Form 6).

A proposal to offer a Special Topic at Summer School requires a Special Topic Proposal (formerly Form DIV ST).

Carpe Diem | Kia tū, kia maia

A two-day workshop for people planning to (re)design a paper to be taught at a distance and/or in Summer School

Are you teaching in Summer School and/or by Distance? The Distance Learning and Summer School Offices are offering a two day workshop for people planning to (re)design a paper to be taught at a distance and/or in Summer School.

About nine years ago in the UK, a process for helping staff redesign teaching programmes to take greater advantage of digital technologies was developed by Professor Gilly Salmon. She developed a two-day workshop, which she called “Carpe Diem”.

Following her example, we are holding a similar workshop this year. It is designed for those of you teaching in papers and/or programmes where the consensus among teaching staff is that a pedagogical redesign is due. The catchphrase for our workshop is “Kia tū, kia maia”. Let your redesigned paper make a strong and confident statement about what and how you teach!

The workshop aims to provide you with an opportunity to redesign your papers in order to gain maximum teaching and learning benefit from the core digital environment that the University provides for staff and students. The workshop will focus strongly on rethinking how teaching and learning occur in a primarily digital environment in your programme and its constituent papers. It will involve staff from the Library, ITS e-Learning team, instructional design expertise, Summer School and Distance Learning.

We welcome your participation

We can cater for a maximum of 30 participants, so registration is essential.

We have some expectations. They revolve around participation in the following:

  • A preliminary meeting with each participant.
  • A two-day meeting – workshop format – all participants present for the full workshop.
  • A follow up meeting with individual participants.

Commitment to these expectations is essential.

Our goal is for each participant to leave the workshop with:

  1. A detailed, programme-oriented, (re)designed framework for your Summer School/distance paper, enabling focused, on-going development;
  2. At least two well-structured technology-based learning activities that you have designed;
  3. A framework for building additional activities to ensure student engagement and learning;
  4. An understanding of the basics of learner-centred design and its implementation in the development of your paper.

Workshop dates

The dates of the next workshop will be available soon.

For more information about the workshop, contact the Distance Learning Office:


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