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Friday 13 February 2015 1:49pm

A Canadian-led study continues the work of Parry Guilford and his research group into the gene CDH1.

Originally found to be the mutation causing an extraordinarily high rate of gastric cancer in a whānau from the Bay of Plenty, CDH1 has now been found in many families around the world. By combining information from many of these families, researchers have now found updated cacer risk estimates for CDH1 mutation carriers.

  • 70% stomach cancer risk for men
  • 56% stomach cancer risk for women
  • 42% risk of women developing lobular breast cancer

Currently mutation carriers are advised to undergo total gastrectomy - surgical removal of the stomach - to completely remove the risk of developing stomach cancer. These results may help people make the decision of whether to undergo surgery or rely on surveilance (via an annual endoscopy).

This release has been covered by both the ODT and the NZ Herald on 13 Feb 2015.

Listen to an interview with Parry on Radio Waatea:

Read more about CTCR-Te Aho's work on gastric cancer

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Professor Parry Guilford in his research lab.

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